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"Euronews" reports on Macron's Belgrade visit (Tanjug, B92)

In its Belgrade report on the visit of President Macron, "Euronews" underlines his promise to relaunch Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. After meeting his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic, Macron said he would invite delegations from Serbia and Kosovo to Paris, along with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, "Euronews" reports.

"We are seeing rising tension and sometimes these tensions are fueled here and there by external powers that have an interest in making sure no deal is found," Macron said, as "Euronews" carries.

Dacic on Pristina’s Interpol bid – It will face same as last year (Tanjug, B92, Kurir)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister commented on new Kosovo attempt to join Interpol by saying that Pristina would face the same as last year, Tanjug news agency reported.

“As a matter of fact, they would face the same. They would lose again,” Dacic told Kurir.

The Interpol General Assembly session takes place this year in Chile. B92 recalled that Chile does not recognize Kosovo, nor it recognizes Kosovo passports.

Belgrade ready to welcome French President; Euronews comes to Serbia (TV N1)

After eight months of delay caused by problems at home, French President Emmanuel Macron arrives in Belgrade on Monday for a two-day official visit expected to patch up recent disagreements between Serbia and France, otherwise traditional friends, N1 reported.

Serbian capital is decorated with French and Serbian flags along the route President Macron is going to pass, while the main city’s Kalemegdan Park will welcome the French President with inscriptions in French language.

French media: Macron in Serbia with the aim of reviving "severed relations" (B92)

President of France Emmanuel Macron will come to Belgrade today aiming at restoring "severed relations" with Serbia, today's French press assesses.

French television "France 24" states that Belgrade-Pristina relations will be among main issues for discussion. This broadcaster reminds of the fact that this is the first visit of the French President to Serbia after Jacques Chirac's stay in the Balkan region back in 2001.

Dacic comments on Haradinaj’s statement about France (Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti, Prva TV)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic commented last night on the statement Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj made regarding the role of France in reaching agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, by saying ironically he “sees how much Haradinaj respects the role of France,” Tanjug news agency reported.

Dacic added that could be seen during the recent meeting in Berlin, noting that the visit of the French President Emmanuel Macron to Serbia is good message to Pristina as well, given that Macron will not visit it.

Dacic: I hope Macron would end game related to Pristina tariffs (Danas, Blic)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said today he hopes that French President Emmanuel Macron, who is coming to visit Belgrade, would end a “game” related to the Pristina’s tariffs and offer assurances it would end soon, Danas daily reports.

Responding to a question, if France can influence Pristina to revoke the tariffs in order to continue the negotiations with Belgrade, Dacic said he hopes to hear that response from the French President.

Dacic: I will probably sing Champs-Élysées to Macron (Kurir, B92)

Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said that during today's visit of French President Emmanuel Macron to Serbia, he will sing Champs-Élysées to him, if the chance presents itself

"I have already sung to Macron two years ago in Trieste, and I will do so now as well, if I had the opportunity. I have to learn some French song quickly. It would probably be Champs-Élysées", Dacic stated for daily "Kurir". Today, President of France is coming to two-day visit to Serbia.

Belarus against Kosovo membership in Interpol (BETA, N1, Radio kontakt plus)

Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to Serbia Valery Brylev confirmed his country remains against Kosovo membership in Interpol, as was the case during the voting last year, the Serbian Internal Affairs Ministry said in a statement.

“Respecting the international law, United Nations Security Council Resolution and the Interpol rules must be a priority at this year’s voting as well,” Ambassador Brylev said after the meeting with Serbian State Secretary Biljana Popovic-Ivkovic.   

President Emanuel Macron brings five messages to Belgrade, Serbian media claim (TV N1, BETA, Blic, Vecernje Novosti, Politika)

French President Emanuel Macron set to visit Serbia on July 15 and 16, according to Belgrade-based Vecernje Novosti, wants to show that Paris is “still an important player on the world's political and security scene”.

Brnabic: EU to react to entry ban on Serbian officials (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said responsible institutions in the EU that guarantee the implementation of the Brussels agreement should react to the entry ban on Serbian officials in Kosovo and Metohija, Tanjug news agency reported.

Asked to comment on banning the entry of the Serbian Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin, Brnabic said it is fully in line with Pristina’s policy, that is against the free flow of goods and services, and obviously now against the freedom of movement.