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Civic Initiative SDP: The encouraging messages of Patriarch Irinej (Kontakt plus radio)

The CI SDP says in a statement that the arrival of Serbian Patriarchs and Serbian Orthodox Church leaders to Kosovo is of great importance for further survival of Serbs in this region, however they point out that citizens have not been informed about the arrival.

SDP reminds that the Serbian people in the most difficult moments had the greatest trust in the Church.

Bosnia will not support membership of Kosovo in Interpol (TV N1 Sarajevo)

Bosnia and Herzegovina did not recognize the independence of Kosovo and accordingly will not support its membership in the international organisations, Bosnia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Thursday following the announcement of Kosovo's candidacy for membership in the Interpol, TV N1 Sarajevo reports.

Munter: Belgrade-Pristina mutual recognition best move (TV N1)

Former US ambassador to Serbia, now The EastWest Institute CIO and President, Cameron Munter, told N1 on Thursday that the best solution for both Belgrade and Pristina would be their mutual recognition, adding he was surprised with Serbia’s authorities reaction to current Washington envoy’s statement that for his country Kosovo was an independent state.

"As ambassador Scott said, it is nothing new. That’s the US stand about a real state, as Serbia is a real state,” Cameron Munter, who served as the US envoy in Serbia during Kosovo declaration of independence in 2008 said.

Early elections not excluded, Serbia’s President says (N1)

Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic confirmed on Thursday he had a meeting with the closest party allies but would not say if the topics included early elections, adding that if there was a pressure that could happen, the Beta news agency reported.

Speaking to reporters at the side-lines of the Belgrade Security Forum conference, Vucic said he would not like to stay in power with the support of five-six percent of the voters, although the elections should be called in two years.

US official tells Serbian PM dialogue important to region (FoNet)

US State Department official Mathew Palmer told Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic that the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is important to the stability of the region, FoNet news agency reported.

He said Washington firmly believes that the dialogue is important to maintain peace and stability in the Western Balkans, Serbian Government press release said.

US and German envoys differ on Kosovo-Serbia border change (BETA, TV N1)

The US and German ambassadors to Serbia, Kyle Scott and Thomas Schieb said on Thursday that the European countries had the same approach toward the Balkans and firmly support their accession to the European Union, Beta news agency reported.

However, taking part at the Belgrade Security Forum conference on Belgrade – Pristina dialogue, the two expressed different opinions on a border correction between Pristina and Belgrade as a solution to the Kosovo issue.

"Crimea is no Kosovo, we didn't come and grab it" (Sputnik)

Vladimir Putin said that Crimea is not Russian because the Russians came and "grabbed something."

Instead it is Russian "because the population only through a referendum asked to be received in Russia," he said.

"Crimea is ours... Why is it ours? Not because we came and grabbed something," Putin said at a meeting of the Valdai debating club.

President "appreciates" US ambassador's statements - but... (BETA, NIN, B92)

President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday that he "appreciated the statements made by US Ambassador Kyle Scott."

Vucic also "stressed that Serbia has its own views."

"It's important what the US ambassador is saying, we respect that and appreciate it, but we have our own views," Vucic said when asked about the statement of Kyle Scott made about his country, the United States, not accepting the idea of ​​delineation (with Kosovo), "in order to create ethnically pure states" - as well as him saying that "Russian agents are active in the area of Serbia."

Patriarch Irinej: Division out of question, we must not give them Kosovo (Radio KIM)

The Church does not change its stance on Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej said in Gracanica, where he pays the visit together with the Patriarch of the Antioch and the Entire East, Jovan X, Radio KIM reports today.

Hrkalovic with Tunisian and Algerian ambassadors on Kosovo and Interpol (Tanjug, Novosti)

Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs State Secretary, Dijana Hrkalovic during the meeting with Algerian and Tunisian ambassadors to Serbia, Abdelhamid Cebchoub and Seyf Rejeb said that the eventual admission of the so-called Kosovo to Interpol would constitute violation of the international law, as well as of rules and procedures of this police international organization, Novosti daily reported yesterday afternoon.

Hrkalovic noted the eventual admission of the so-called Kosovo to Interpol would also constitute breaching of a legally binding UN SC Resolution 1244.