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Kosovo Says No New Cases Of Citizens Joining IS In Iraq, Syria (Radio Free Europe)

Kosovar Interior Minister Skender Hyseni says there have been no recorded cases in the past year of citizens joining the Islamic State militant group in Syria and Iraq.

"It is now a year that we did not record any case of the departure of the citizens of Kosovo in foreign wars," Hyseni said on August 24, adding that authorities should still not be "comfortable."

Pristina has come under pressure for a perceived failure to crack down on Middle East-funded Islamic charities and radical religious figures blamed on young Kosovars joining extremist groups.

Biden Restates U.S. Commitment To Kosovo (RFE/RL)

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has pledged that the United States will "stand by the people of Kosovo," adding that "if you succeed, the region will succeed."

Biden was speaking in the Kosovar capital, Pristina, on August 17 following meetings with Kosovo's President Hashim Thaci and Prime Minister Isa Mustafa.

Biden urged Kosovo to make every effort to implement an EU-brokered normalization agreement between Pristina and Belgrade, expressing the hope of welcoming "a democratic, multiethnic Kosovo" into the European family.

Work Begins On Bridge Spanning Ethnic Divide In Kosovo City (RFE/RL)

Work to reopen a bridge that that physically and symbolically divides ethnic Serbs and Albanians in a Kosovo city has reportedly begun.

The dpa news agency said construction equipment was in action on August 14 at the Mitrovica Bridge, which spans the Ibar River in the northern city of Mitrovica.

The bridge has been closed to cars for more than five years.

Cleric's Kosovo Arrest Puts Iran's Balkan Activities Under Spotlight (RFE/RL)

Iran's promotion of its brand of Shi'ite Islam across the Middle East has been obvious for decades, but such activities in Europe largely managed to fly under the radar. But its Balkans-centered efforts have come under scrutiny in recent years, leading to the arrest this week of an Iranian cleric in Kosovo on charges of financing terrorism and money laundering through a nominally nongovernmental organization he operates. Kosovar authorities claim Hasan Azari Bejandi, charged on July 26, ran five Shi'ite organizations with links to Tehran.


Kosovo Authorities Charge Iranian NGO Leader With 'Financing Terrorism' (RFE/RL)

Authorities in Kosovo said on July 25 that they have charged an Iranian man with “financing terrorism and money laundering” through a nongovernmental group he operates called the Qur’an Foundation of Kosova.



Kosovar Imam, Radicalized At Home, Vanishes Abroad To Join Islamist Fight (RFE/RL)

We trudge up a steep, muddy path off the village's main street to get to a shabby, tiny brick house. A middle-aged man in dirty overalls stands at the far end of the garden, a chaotic mess of furniture and weeds. He is slathering white paint on a wooden shed, rubbing the sweat from his brow. “It's a tragedy,” Fehmi Maliqi, a soft-spoken farmer, says as he takes a seat on a creaky stool.


Kosovar Court Convicts Serbian Found With Bombs On Terrorism Charges (RFE/RL)

A Kosovar court sentenced a Serbian citizen to 13 years in jail for "attempted terrorist" activities after he was arrested in Pristina in a vehicle packed with more than 11 kilograms of explosives.

The Pristina Basic Court on June 29 found Slobodan Gavric guilty of "intent to intimidate and destabilize the population, destroy the most important political, constitutional, economic, and social structures" of Kosovo.
