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Russia Re-Enacts the Great Game in the Balkans (BloombergView)

The direct Russian interventions in Ukraine and Serbia, as well as the scandals of the U.S. presidential campaign, have overshadowed another ongoing Russian power play -- one in the Balkans. It's quieter and far less violent than other assertive moves by the Kremlin, but that doesn't make it any less important in the 21st century re-enactment of the Great Game.

Lavrov: Albanian forces should not be in northern Kosovo (B92)

Russian Foreign Minister on Tuesday said that a new war in the Balkans must be avoided, and that Albanian forces should not be in northern Kosovo and Metohija.

Speaking during his annual news conference in Moscow, Lavrov touched on the latest tensions between Belgrade and Pristina.

"The forces of Kosovo Albanians should not be present in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, which is inhabited by Serbs," said Lavrov.

Dysfunction in the Balkans (Foreign Affairs)

The political settlement in the former Yugoslavia is unraveling. In Bosnia, the weakest state in the region, both Serbs and Croats are mounting a concerted challenge to the Dayton peace accords, the delicate set of compromises that hold the country together. In Macedonia, political figures from the large Albanian minority are calling for the federalization of the state along ethnic lines. In Kosovo, the Serb minority is insisting on the creation of a network of self-governing enclaves with effective independence from the central government.

Füle: If the EU disengages from the Balkans, others will engage ‘immediately’ (EurActiv, InSerbia)

Former Enlargement Commissioner Štefan Füle told an audience today (7 December) that if the EU distances itself from the Western Balkans, other geopolitical players will immediately seize the opportunity to assert their influence over the region.

The ex-Commissioner, who now works as a special envoy to the Balkans for the Czech ministry of foreign affairs, spoke to the BALKANS – boosting connections on the road to the EU conference, organised by the Friends of Europe, a Brussels think tank.

I am proud of the role that Britain has played in the Balkans (Koha)

Koha Ditore carries an opinion piece written for the paper by the Foreign Secretary of the Great Britain, Boris Johnson. Below find the complete opinion piece

In Pristina, I will discuss with Kosovo’s leaders their thoughts on the country’s future, including normalising relations with Serbia - surely the most important task of all