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Roma and Egyptians want Haradinaj for Prime Minister (Klan Kosova)

Representatives of Roma and Egyptian communities at the Assembly of Kosovo stated openly that they would vote Ramush Haradinaj for the Prime Minister of Kosovo.

On the other hand, representatives of the Serbian List as well as those of other communities, have not made such announcement.

Albert Kinolli from Kosovo’s United Roma Party, said that they informed the nominated for Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj that they would in principal have the support of this community. He said that they are against institutional collapse and that they do not want to be an obstacle for creation of the government.

Veton Berisha from the Liberal Egyptian Party said that he is obliged by Law and Constitution to request representation of his community at the new government. He said that the first request of this community is not to block institutions.

According to him, this community does not have red lines that would affect functioning of institutions.