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Kurti calls for Haradinaj’s resignation at political parties’ roundtable (Kallxo/RTK)

Leader of Vetevendosje, Albin Kurti, called for the resignation of Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj saying he is not a genuine prime minister and has only been “rented out” to the post by President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci. “Thaci has rented out the prime minister. Haradinaj should resign and we should head to elections,” Kurti said. He said that if Haradinaj doesn’t resign, he should at least initiate a motion of no-confidence. “If none of this happens, we will be forces as opposition, along with other opposition forces, to launch a no-confidence motion against the government,” Kurti said.  He added that the government has lost majority in the Assembly and has turned it into an almost non-functional institution.  The roundtable this time is being hosted by Vetevendosje and includes officials from parliamentary parties, except the Serbian List.