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 Kosovo is drowning. Now what? (Koha Ditore)

The opinion piece of the editor in chief of this daily, Agron Bajrami, which was initially published in the Montenegrin daily Vjesti, comes as a response to the statement of the World Bank Director, Jan Peter Olters, who criticized publicly Kosovo politicians for not being able to change the difficult socio-economic situation in Kosovo for fifteen years and for leading Kosovo into deeper crisis for their narrow interests.

“I would sign every single word that he stated,” writes Bajrami, adding that the media, civil society and the population keep emphasizing corruption and criminalization of the government for years now.  Bajrami admits that it is different when such statement comes from an international senior official, being that criticism at local level can often be taken as motivated by personal reasons. His statement also proved that Kosovo leaders have reached the stage when they do not feel embarrassed neither in relation to the Kosovo population nor to the international officials. “Our so-called state and political leaders have plundered so much power and wealth that they feel untouchable, strong and irreplaceable. They are aware that the same international community which has brought Olters to Kosovo, at a certain moment will tell him that now that you said what was in your heart, you can sleep peacefully, while we continue with business as usual,” writes Bajrami.

He considers that the key of this story is the very “business as usual”. “Because, what Olters does not mention in his criticism, and what we all wonder but do not see a political will to respond, is where was this powerful international community, while we were sinking in this socio-economic-political abyss? Where were during all these years the World Bank, the European Union, the United Nations, Western democratic states, OSCE, IMF, EULEX, European Council and all those international senior officials that this international community was sending to Kosovo while it was sinking? The answer is evident: they were all here, in Kosovo, turning their head aside and closing their eyes, while the politicians were steeling and looting our society. This international community was during the entire time accomplice of this crime towards Kosovo committed by Kosovo politicians. And to them, this was very simple: business as usual!

This makes them be nothing more but people who did their job, which could be described by someone as Men at Work” concludes Bajrami.