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Why does Thaci want to be President? (Koha Ditore)

KTV editor-in-chief Adriatik Kelmendi argues in an opinion piece that “Kosovo today is hostage of a mysterious agreement between two friends, [PDK leader] Hashim Thaci and [PDK deputy leader] Kadri Veseli, “who are willing to risk many things, including the position of the PDK, to fulfill each other’s ambitions. The question is why?” Kelmendi writes that if Thaci is elected President, it is almost certain that Veseli will be elected leader of the PDK but, according to Kelmendi, Veseli won’t be able to fill the gap that Thaci will leave behind. Kelmendi writes that Veseli does not enjoy great support from the party structure and the electorate. “He was seen as one of the key people responsible for many leaving the party… Party clans and other unsatisfied members will use every opportunity to take revenge on the new leader and this will most probably result in the loss of electorate support”. Kelmendi further asks “what is forcing Hashim Thaci to undertake an adventure for the post of President without guarantees that he will be elected? Or even if he is elected, why would he need the post of President of Kosovo if this means that he will lose the party? Put simply: Thaci is much more powerful as PDK leader and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister than he will ever be as President. On the other hand, Veseli, as Assembly President and PDK leader and a future candidate for Prime Minister, will be way more powerful than Thaci. Meanwhile, both men have been qualified as war crimes suspects in Dick Marty’s report, which will serve as basis for the Special Court that will be established this year. Given all of this, there is one outstanding issue: what will Kosovo benefit from the fulfillment of a mysterious agreement? I believe these two ambitious men owe some detailed explanations to the people of this country”.