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Kurti pursuing Thaci’s way (Zeri)

Enis Veliu stresses in today’s editorial of this paper  that Kosovo population gave votes to Albin Kurti and his party, believing in his vision promoted during the election campaign. “They voted for him trusting in his promises to change the manner of governing which has destroyed Kosovo. They did not vote for Kurti to fulfill the aims of a minor group of people, ignoring the votes of the poor population,” writes Veliu.

He further brings a few examples of bad management in the municipality of Pristina, stressing that Vetevendosje members are acting worse than the ones from the Democratic Party of Kosovo. Furthermore, he says, one might find an official among the PDK members to communicate and speak about the problems but this cannot happen with the officials from Vetevendosje movement. Kurti in a way is acting as the owner of the house in a patriarchal family, where he can decide about everything. According to Veliu, Kurti used to criticize in the past politization of the boards of the directors at the Public Enterprises, while now he nominates a member of his party at the new Board of Directors for the Pristina heating system enterprise.