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A funeral ceremony (Koha Ditore)

Columnist Enver Robelli writes that yesterday’s Kosovo Assembly session which resulted in election of the government led by Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) leader, Isa Mustafa, was also a funeral ceremony for the party and only two of its MPs, Vjosa Osmani and Doruntine Maloku, tried to save it by voting against the new  government. The rest of LDK MPs voted in favour of a government that unites evil and crime, writes Robelli. Developments regarding the creation of the new government clearly revealed what the former Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, actually signed in Brussels and this includes an agreement that installs Belgrade inside the Kosovo state system. While no one is against the Serb community being duly represented in the Kosovo institutions, officials of the Serbian List have openly sabotaged the state of Kosovo, adds Robelli.

Upon election, the new head of the Kosovo Government, Isa Mustafa, made great promises in his speech but in the coming period, he has to answer to a lot of questions because he will not be able to deliver on his promises with a coalition partner like the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). This, according to Robelli, is because the PDK is not a political party but, as an Austrian diplomat said, a criminal enterprise. “Everything that the government coalition offered there days resembled a mafia film where, like godfathers, stood the vice president of European Parliament, Ulrike Lunacek, and several western diplomats who preach a government with clean hands while blessing with their presence organised crime and corruption”, writes Robelli.  He suggests that the LDK electorate should boycott this leadership that has embraced “the most hardened criminals Kosovo has known in the last 100 years”.