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Alliance for Serbia requests Vucic to say what he discussed with Thaci (Danas, BETA)

Alliance for Serbia (SZS) requested from the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to urgently reveal what he has negotiated with Kosovo President Hashim Thaci during the meetings they had, Danas daily reports.

The Alliance, in a press statement, stressed that Thaci has admitted having secret meetings with the Serbian President Vucic in Paris, New York, Vatican, Brussels and Vienna, thus unequivocally confirming allegations put forward earlier by Peoples’ Party leader Vuk Jeremic, who spoke publicly about these meetings on several occasions.

Jeremic was warning that Thaci and Vucic at these meetings discuss about delineation, respectively about an agreement by which Serbia would voluntarily renounce part of its territory, including in the municipalities of Bujanovac, Medvedja and Presevo, while Pristina would get a seat in the UN, which is contrary to the Constitution of Serbia, UN SC Resolution 1244 and equals to an act of a high treason.

Alliance for Serbia further noted they are against Vucic and Thaci’s secret agreement by which Serbia would de facto recognize independence of Kosovo.

They said they are advocating for negotiations with Kosovo Albanians that would have normal life enabled in Kosovo. An acceptable solution to the Kosovo issue can be only within the Constitution of Serbia and UN SC Resolution 1244, something that Jeremic and Dragan Djilas clearly said to the European officials as well, during recent visit to Brussels, the Alliance for Serbia said.