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Second “One in Five Million” protest held in Mitrovica, reaction of Srpska Lista (KoSSev, TV Most)

Second “One in Five Million” protest took place in Mitrovica on Saturday and ended without major incidents, KoSSev portal reports.

The main request of participants in the protest was to shed the light on the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, but they also voiced stances against unification of Mitrovica, Pristina’s tariffs as well as a request to release Zoran Djokic, arrested at Jarinje crossing point, almost a month ago.

Protest participants were verbally insulted by group of young men who uttered various insults.

Around 70 people, including children, and the ex-wife of Oliver Ivanovic Marina walked to the spot of Oliver Ivanovic murder, where they lit the candles.

One of the protest organizers, Dejan Nedeljkovic told participants that “one brave heart is worth more than thousand lowered heads and eyes.” He also commented on “major pressure by Serbian and local authorities,” exercised upon protest participants.

Meanwhile, Srpska Lista reacted to the protest, saying that dozen of Mitrovica people have anti-Serbian intentions, and are begin instructed by Djilas (Dragan), Jeremic (Vuk) and Trajkovic (Rada)

Srpska Lista also “thanked Mitrovica residents who ignored this anti-Serbian gathering, thus protecting the honor of the city of heroes, Kosovska Mitrovica, in which Serbia is cherished and guarded.”