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B92: ''KFOR's explanation, little tension yesterday, we all knew, we do not interfere'' (TV Prva)

KFOR spokesman Vincenzo Grasso says that yesterday's action of the Kosovo special police units was regular, and that in fact the biggest threat to peace are politicians and the media. Asked about the situation in Kosovo this morning, Grasso says it is under control. "Yesterday there was little tension, but luckily it was in isolated locations and it was completed during the day, so I have to say that it is peaceful," he said, during the inclusion in the morning program of Belgrade based TV Prva. Grasso say that what happened yesterday was a police operation carried out after Kosovo arrest warrants were issued. "The operation was carried out in several municipalities, including municipalities in the north. As far as approval is concerned, the Kosovo Police is fully responsible for the rule of law. And when they carry out these duties, they do it without the additional permission". Asked by the TV Prva whether it is true that Hungarian KFOR members wanted to react when they saw police violence against Serbs, Grasso says that the information is not entirely accurate "That did not happen. The Hungarian battalion is part of KFOR, and no attempt was made to intervene without the approval of KFOR. They were ready to intervene, but they did not try to intervene," explained Grasso. To the conclusion of TV Prva that from yesterday's recordings it could be concluded that KFOR, which was behind the special forces, and not between them and the people, guarded the police, Grasso reiterates that KFOR members were monitoring the situation and that they did not interfere because yesterday's actions have no connection with the KFOR's mandate. "At this moment, peace in Kosovo is most threatened by rhetoric, propaganda, provocation and sometimes false statements by politicians. I've been here for almost 20 months and there were no major incidents. The greatest threat to peace and stability can be caused by the rhetoric that is used and abused by some leaders, as well as the media which participate in it," said Grasso. TV Prva asked whether KFOR would react and in which situation to protect Serbs, Grasso did not give a concrete answer: "We are the third line of response. The Kosovo police worked and ended the action during the day with no big problems, except for the Zubin Potok, so if the Kosovo police does not seek our intervention, we will not intervene. Unless the situation is extremely bad, and it threatens peace and stability." He also said that the KFOR command was constantly monitoring the situation and that there was an exchange of information. "We were in contact even with the Serbian authorities. Everyone was informed about operations in advance, and there was no surprise," he said.