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"UNMIK staying in Kosovo" (B92)

UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Hervé Ladsous said today that UNMIK remains in Kosovo because of the importance it has for the people, and also for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

"The mandate of UNMIK is based on Resolution 1244 and we are fully committed to fulfilling this mandate, especially because we are aware of how important it is for the progress of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. So, we are here and we will remain in Kosovo," Ladsous said to reporters at a regional conference on the participation of the Western Balkan countries in UN peacekeeping missions.

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that Serbia expects UNMIK "to survive in Kosovo", because its role is very important for the non-Albanian population.

"We oppose the efforts of the authorities in Pristina to abolish UNMIK, because we believe that that the reasons for its establishment are still valid, that its presence is important for the maintenance of peace and security, the preservation of human rights, the return of internally displaced persons, and the protection of cultural and historical monuments," Dacic said.

He added that UNMIK is needed for future dialogue in Brussels, since, as he said, many agreements are guaranteed by its presence.

"As a related example, KFOR’s duties ensure that no armed forces of Kosovo, without KFOR’s consent, can enter Serbian-majority municipalities," recalled Dacic.

The gathering involved Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro.
