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If Vucic succeed, that will be very good for Serbia (Danas)

Interview: Michael Kirby, US Ambassador to Serbia

How do you comment on the various statements of Serbian officials related to the connection between EU accession talks and Kosovo? President Nikolic says that we cannot join the EU until we recognize Kosovo, while Foreign Minister Dacic and Prime Minister Vucic insist that such a requirement (to choose between Kosovo and the EU) no one had set.

America is not in the EU. But shortly after I came here, the then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Catherine Ashton also came to Belgrade and talked with President Nikolic and then Prime Minister Dacic on normalization of relations with Kosovo, not about recognition. I have not noticed that the US and the EU policy in this context changed. The EU has its own foreign policy, but also has its Member States that do not recognize Kosovo. There were some stories, but still I do not see that the EU changed position. Normalization of relations is not necessarily the same as recognition.

But the difference between normalization of relations and recognition is minor ...

I do not think so. The dialogue is important. This process in its substance is normalization. Serbian minorities participated in the most elections in Kosovo; the government in Pristina was formed with the participation of Serbs from northern Kosovo. There are talks about the judiciary and many issues as a part of normalization, but that does not mean recognition.

Does it look like de facto recognition?

Since we do not know how things will end up, I cannot speculate about it. However, the solution implies greater participation of the Serbian minority from the north in the Kosovo institutions.

Did the recent disagreements with Albania and Croatia spoil the Serbian international reputation?

Clearly - no. Let us consider the visit of Prime Minister Rama to Belgrade, the first Albanian prime minister who came since 1947. He came after difficult events - football match, drone ... And despite the difficult events, the visit took place. I would say that this is important and that the visit was positive, since it has occurred in a climate that was more complex than expected.

Was the Rama's statement in Belgrade i.e. convincing Serbia to "accept reality" and recognize Kosovo, also a difficult event?

I would not say it was convincing. That was more calling to do something, which is not the same. Mr. Rama does not hide the fact that Albania recognized Kosovo. I expect that Kosovo and Albania will continue to invite Serbia to recognize Kosovo. Serbia does not accept that, which was quite loudly and repeatedly said. At the same time, since I'm here, since September 2011, the dialogue takes place in a clearly different level than a few years ago. For Vucic and Thaci there was not a problem to meet in New York.

Balancing of the Serbian foreign policy between the West and Russia is a popular topic. Some people are convinced in that story. On the other hand Brussels officials claim, as Commissioner Hahn recently said, that it is “crystal clear” that Serbia will enter the EU. What is closer to the truth?

I think that Serbia will join the EU. I am convinced that this is good for Serbia and the EU. Membership in the EU does not mean you cannot have good relations with those outside the EU, including Russia.

There are different opinions about the forthcoming Serbian Chairmanship ever the OSCE. According to one, the role of the chairperson is technical. At the same time, it was said that Serbia will suffer great pressure from the US, EU and Russia because of Ukraine. Could it be easy to Serbia?

It will not be easy, but the presidency will be a great opportunity for Serbia. The OSCE is an important institution. The fact that Serbia has been chosen shows the great progress of the country and a sign of respect and acceptance of Serbia. I think that no one anticipated, before Serbia got the job, that Russia will steal the Crimea. Therefore, the Serbian presidency will be more complicated, but also an opportunity for Serbia to bridge the gap. It seems to me that Dacic travelled to many places in order to deepen the knowledge on the subject. Soon he is going to the Moscow and Kiev, and recently he was in Brussels. Also, some Serbian officials went to the United States. Serbia is capable of doing a good job. Serbia is not decision maker, but someone which should make things easier. Perhaps because of its good relations with both East and West, Serbia is in a position to do the job well.