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Has Kirby “cleared the field” for his successor? (Politika)

Do the State Department and US Ambassador in Belgrade Michael Kirby advocate the position that as long as Kosovo is not allowed to join the UN, Serbia should not be able to join the EU? The answer to this question is complicated, because despite having made this statement a day before Catholic Christmas, the US Ambassador now claims that no one in Washington is of that opinion.  How is Belgrade meant to interpret US policy?

Ambassador Kirby: Vucic and Mustafa to meet on 27 January (N1)

US Ambassador to Serbia Michael Kirby said in talking show "Pressing" on TV N1 that the prime ministers of Serbia and Kosovo will meet on 27 January.

Speaking about the talks with Pristina, Kirby points out that it is good that there is constant contact and "already on 27 January, the prime ministers will meet".

Ambassador Kirby praised the work of Dacic's and Vucic's government, and the President Nikolic, and that he supports their work on the road to the EU, economic reforms, the dialogue with Pristina.

If Vucic succeed, that will be very good for Serbia (Danas)

Interview: Michael Kirby, US Ambassador to Serbia

How do you comment on the various statements of Serbian officials related to the connection between EU accession talks and Kosovo? President Nikolic says that we cannot join the EU until we recognize Kosovo, while Foreign Minister Dacic and Prime Minister Vucic insist that such a requirement (to choose between Kosovo and the EU) no one had set.