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Belgrade denies the division into Djuric and Vulin Serbs (Danas)

According to unofficial information of Danas, the division is so deep that in the coming weeks, six out of the nine MPs of the Serbian List in the Kosovo Parliament could establish its own parliamentary group.

When among the representatives of the Serbian List, who have returned to Kosovo institutions after a two month boycott, were not and deputies from the ranks of the Socialists Movement, it was explained "locally" as the long-hidden partition on "Djuric" and "Vulin" Serbs.

High government circles in Belgrade unofficially claimed that the Serbian-Serbian dispute in Kosovo has surpassed disagreements between the Head of the government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric and his predecessor in this place, and the current Minister of Labour, Social and Veterans' Affairs Aleksandar Vulin, which does not exclude even tearing of the parliamentary group of the Serbian List.

According to unofficial information of Danas, the division is so deep that in the coming weeks, six out of the nine MPs of the Serbian List in the Kosovo Parliament could establish its own parliamentary group. This could, according to our interlocutor, call into question the participation of Serbs and Serbia in the further implementation of the Brussels agreement, because, apparently, not only some Serbian deputies, but also mayors from northern Kosovo have left the talks on the implementation of the Brussels agreement, and the Community/Association of the Serbian municipalities. Sources of Danas expect that the problems in the Serbian list in the next two weeks should solve Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, which might, as they warn, coincide with the announced possible tensions on the ground due to the release of the autopsy of the body of Sead Alushi, recently found in the Ibar River.

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija of the Serbian Government denied that the Serbs in Kosovo government were divided on the "Djuric" and "Vulin's." They claim that the "Serbian List, which has nine seats in parliament and three members of the government, is unique in representing and defending the rights and interests of Serbs in Pristina institutions".

- Those to whom such a communion is not of interest, maliciously and unsuccessfully are trying to undermine the unity. Fabrication or induction of divisions in the Serbian political corpus in the province can only be in the interest of those who do not want a strong Serbian community in Kosovo - it was announced today by the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, which remind us that the "Serbian political representatives from Kosovo in mid-March at a meeting with Prime Minister Vucic themselves announced that they were resolved to make decisions uniquely, in consultation and cooperation with the Serbian government."

- I do not know about the division into Djuric and Vulin Serbs. It is true that the Serbian List has a common policy, but the mayors in northern Kosovo the least are involved. No one had asked us about the recently appointed new Minister for Return and Communities Dalibor Jevtic, or when in Brussels was agreed to dismantle Civil Protection in northern Kosovo, although we have to implement it. We've learned about it from the media. Now more talks about northern Kosovo comes from Gracanica - statements give the local mayor Vladeta Kostic and Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic, told Danas Dragan Jablanovic, mayor of Leposavic, in the Kosovo system of local government and the President of the interim administration in the Serbian system, otherwise the official of the Socialists Movement .

President of the Serbian List, Aleksandar Jablanovic (Socialists Movement) yesterday did not respond to phone calls and Branimir Stojanovic (SNS) was busy.

Marko Jaksic, a member of the presidency of the DSS from Mitrovica North, told Danas that "in the field you can see the division and that Djuric and Vulin are in great conflict, but he cannot say with certainty whether actually it is about a dispute between the president and prime minister of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic and Aleksandar Vucic."