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We'll solve the murder of the Bytyqi brothers (Danas)

Interview: Vladimir Vukcevic, the War crimes prosecutor The Prime Minister said recently that only the case of murder of the Bytyqi brothers hampers excellent relations with the United States. Is there any progress in the case that you took over? It's a case listed under number one in our Prosecution. The team working on this case is having several meetings a day about it. There is progress, but that is all I can say in order not to jeopardize the investigation. I can only say that the Prime Minister Vucic mobilized all relevant ministries, organizations and individuals who can assist the Prosecutor's Office for War Crimes and the Interior Ministry to resolve this dramatic crime. What were the main reasons for the deadlock in this case? The murder of the Bytyqi brothers was a state crime and many of the suspects are still at very important positions in the country. Some people also consider this crime as continuation of the war with NATO, which is unacceptable for the civilized country. The Prime Minister said that he expects the results until the end of the year, when he will visit the United States. What is your assessment?  I'm sure we'll sort it out. It is our obligation as a legal and civilized state. We all gave our best to make it happen as soon as possible, since too much time has passed. US prosecutor Schwendiman should soon be appointed as chief prosecutor for war crimes in Kosovo. Will you send him some case, investigation or evidence? We have had excellent cooperation with Williamson’s team, and today we have good cooperation with Schwendiman’s people, who continued this work. His selection is the outcome of the efforts of our Court which was dedicated to this subject since 2007. Thanks to our efforts and persistence in pointing to the terrible events that took place after the Kumanovo agreement, Dick Marty presented his report, the Special Investigation Team was established and now the Special Court for the KLA. Schwendiman is a professional and I know him from the time when he was the first among international prosecutors in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I ask you this because the investigation about Thaci and Ceku are open. I was wondering if you will hand over these cases to the Prosecutor Schwendiman, since they both are unavailable for the Serbian state institutions. As I said we had full cooperation with his team, and I don’t want to speculate on the names.