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Implementation of "the model of two German states" possible (Danas)

The negotiating position of the European Union on Chapter 35, which relates to the Kosovo issue resolution, in essence, has not brought anything new, Danas learns from diplomatic sources close to Brussels. According to interlocutors of Danas, "it is quite likely that the more precise and detailed conditions" will be communicated to Serbia in the next phases of its European path.

"Judging by the indicators so far, in the case of Serbia and Kosovo largely will be applied the model of the two German states. It means that the official Belgrade, in the coming years, will not be asked to formally recognize Kosovo's independence, but that the two sides will have to meet a number of obligations and that Pristina will eventually get membership in many international organizations, including the United Nations ", say the sources of Danas.

The Brussels document, which became public after the opening of the first negotiating chapters with Serbia, Monday at an intergovernmental conference at EU headquarters, implies no changes to the format of the negotiations, or that Belgrade and Pristina continue negotiations under the auspices of the European Union. "The chapter 35 does not replace the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels under the auspices of the High Representative of the EU ... The European Commission and High Representative of the EU will closely monitor fulfilment of the first set of interim criteria, and shall inform the EU Council of Ministers on progress at least twice a year," according to the negotiating position.

Knut Fleckenstein, an official of the German Social Democratic Party and a deputy in the European Parliament, congratulated Serbia for opening the first chapters, and told Danas that the chapter 35 is "very important".
- I'm counting on Serbia that it will continue the path of normalization of its relations with Kosovo. Both Serbia and Kosovo aspire to join the EU, and citizens of both countries hope to become citizens of the EU and that they will benefit from even more fruitful cooperation between the two neighbours - says Fleckenstein.

Besides insisting on the fulfilment of commitments relating to the previous agreements, including the view that "Serbia should contribute to the continuing formation of the Association of Serbian Municipalities in accordance with the agreed time frame," and the continuation of the implementation of the agreement on police, justice and Telecommunications, the European Commission seek from Belgrade and Serbia to provide quarterly information to the competent Kosovo institutions on payment of pensions to judicial personnel who are integrated into the system in Kosovo. Familiar with the situation for Danas state that the obligation to inform Pristina about pensions "will not be pleasant for Belgrade", but that "financial system will be more transparent in Kosovo."

President Nikolic for the Cyprus model

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said in an article for Vecernje Novosti that all information about the chapter 35 must be known to the public. He pointed out that it is the only way to avoid doubts and stressed that for the issue of Kosovo the best solution is the Cyprus model. "Chapter 35 was invented because a larger number of states have recognized the independence of Kosovo and Metohija and because they want to finally take off this issue from the agenda. This essentially means that they do not want a problem like Cyprus. For Serbia, on the other hand, it was the ideal solution which means full membership as a UN member within the limits, and after that we can talk," said Nikolic.