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Kozarev: Unconvincing excuses of Tahiri (Blic)

Deputy Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Dušan Kozarev said that the Pristina Chief negotiator, Edita Tahiri tried again to confuse the public, inventing unconvincing excuses for non-implementation of the agreement on the establishment of the A/CSM.  "With invented excuses Tahiri tried to hide the fact that the deadline for all actions envisaged by the agreement on the establishment of the Association / Community of Serb municipalities (A/CSM) has been breached, long time ago. The reasons for that are actually stubborn and malicious refusals of Pristina to allow Serbian people the creation of minimum conditions for the survival and progress in the province," said Kozarev in a statement.

Without the A/CSM, Serbia has no interest for the participation in the endless torment Tahiri is persistently putting through the Serbian negotiators and the representatives of the EU, said Kozarev.