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Region is "exposed to risks from escalating rhetoric" – EU (B92)

The EU has been repeatedly "called out" by Belgrade for failing to react to statements made by Ramush Haradinaj.

This topic has now been addressed by Federica Mogherini's spokeswoman.

Maja Kocijancic assessed that "statements that can be interpreted as political interference in neighboring countries are not helpful in building good neighborly relations in the Western Balkans."

Commenting on Haradinaj's threats about "adding one third of Serbia's territory to Kosovo," she told Tuesday's edition of Danas that such statements "expose the region to risks from escalating rhetoric".

"The EU constantly supports the principles of reconciliation and regional cooperation in the Western Balkans. The union expects all of the region to continue to build constructive and cooperative relations, as well as intensify the work on reform programs in order to make progress towards European integration," said Kocijancic.

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