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"Coalition with Haradinaj - a black page in the history of Serbia" (Vesti)

The coalition with Haradinaj will remain with black letters on the black pages of Serbian history, said President of the Free Citizens Movement Saša Janković, Vesti portal reports.

- To bring the man into power, that you raised a war crimes indictment against him, make a coalition with him, and then you try to accuse the opposition in Serbia for it, this is the example of the biggest political dishonour that Serbia remembers, what Kurti, this is about Ramush Haradinaj, the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the SNS. We will do everything opposite to them, we will build our regional stability on the deviation from war criminals and warmongers, and our inner dialogue tomorrow when we are in power, we will build on the respect of our political opponents - said Janković.

This is called the damage control - the government hides its bad moves, by turning the topic and by inventing - unanimous are the opposition politicians, Vesti writes.

- This represents, to me, the pinnacle of dishonour and a clear signal that this moment there is no national interest that is not for sale - said Vuk Jeremić.

President of Democratic Party Dragan Šutanovac says that the participation of the Serb representatives in the institutions of Kosovo is necessary, but that it is a bad fact that the Serbian List did this solely because of the recruitment of party personnel. He adds that "Serbs in Kosovo need help in solving basic life problems, not in accommodating a small number of Vučić's people."