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Sending a letter to the European Commission is for internal use (Danas)

The decision of the Government and the president of the state that Serbia sends a letter to the European Commission with a series of questions regarding the position of the Commission that the cases of Catalonia and Kosovo cannot be compared, is irresponsible and serves for internal political use, representatives of the opposition say, write daily Danas.

Regarding the decision to send a letter to the European Commission, Saša Janković, the leader of the Free Citizens Movement, told Danas that the theatrical letters for the EU are for internal political use only and serve to blur the simple thing, that is, the coalition of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) in Kosovo with Ramush Haradinaj.

- I would not be surprised that diplomatic rumors are true that the government secretly negotiates with some permanent members of the UN Security Council and asks them not to veto Kosovo's entry into the UN. So, listen to what the SNS is saying and know that it is doing the opposite. In a situation when someone says one thing, works the other and thinks the third, the question of whether you agree with it is pointless. We no longer have a state policy in relation to the Kosovo issue; Kosovo is only a monetaius for the SNS to stay in power- says Janković to Danas daily.

Boško Obradović, leader of the Dveri, told Danas, that after the new EU announcement, the only solution is to stop the talks on Kosovo in Brussels and return the matter to the United Nations Security Council.

- Sending a letter is a ridiculous answer to someone who takes away territory from the state. With Vučić is all political acting and folklore.  In fact, these are his friends from the European Union. Did he just now realize that they are the hypocrites with double standards, Obradović asks.

A member of the Presidency of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP,) Đorđo Žujović explains that the situation in Catalonia and what happened in Kosovo's territory are incomparable, and that it is a mistake to draw a parallel between these two issues.

- Serbia has lost Kosovo with a bloody war, with many mistakes it did, and to mention it now in the light of events in Spain is counterproductive and does not lead us towards the problems solving that we have as a country. Correspondence with the EU and asking for some explanation that would serve internal use here in Serbia is a move that is extremely irresponsible and such behaviour certainly has its price - concluded Žujović for Danas.

The EU as such did not recognize Kosovo because five member states, including Spain, did not recognize Kosovo as a state. Accordingly, the letter that Brnabić will take to EU officials is completely absurd and only serves for internal use, the Democratic Party (DS) told Danas.

"The Brussels administration is obliged to explain the unexplainable: a statement from the European Commission spokeswoman that "when the recognition of Kosovo in question, it was a very specific context, with specific reasons," the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) announced.

The daily writes that yesterday they were not able to reach Vuk Jeremić, Director of CIRSD, to learn his position on the matter.