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Dusan Janjic: The investigation goes before media and politicians (Danas)

- After documentation was submitted to the Ministry of Justice of the Government of Serbia regarding the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, the president of the Civic Initiative SDP, Belgrade can initiate its own proceedings - check, supplement or challenge the findings from Pristina.

-It seems to me that in the four packets of information that have arrived, there is nothing controversial, apart from possible different political interpretations of the behaviour of Serb policemen from the KPS who have badly processed the site of the killing during the investigation - whether they did it deliberately or they did messy job by inertia. In any case, it is important that the cooperation between Belgrade and Pristina began in the investigation of Ivanovic's murder - told the Belgrade based daily Danas, political analyst Dusan Janjic.

Nijazi Rexha, one of the two prosecutors investigating Ivanovic's murder, said during the weekend that "because they were suspected of not properly protecting the crime scene, two members of the Kosovo Police from the station in the northern part of Mitrovica were arrested."  He told the Pristina portal Kallxo that the police officers, whose names he did not announce, are in detention for 48 hours, because they did not properly protect the crime scene immediately after the murder of Oliver Ivanovic," RTS reported, report the daily Danas.

Due to various doubts and speculation that the investigation works to cover up, and not on clarifying Ivanovic's murder, Dusan Janjic says that "this is the first time that the investigation knows more than it says and that the investigative authorities go before the media and politicians, which can be seen from their statements".

The daily also writes that high-level diplomatic sources are now expecting the cooperation between Belgrade and Pristina to continue - possible exchange of information on direct killers and their supporters that allegedly the investigative authorities are aware of.

Although speculation that all collected material from the field have been taken over by the intelligence services of the United States, Germany and Great Britain in Kosovo from the KPS,  have not been officially confirmed, Danas sources unofficially claim that the British, as the predecessor of the US FBA, reportedly have more data than Pristina delivered it to Belgrade. Well-informed diplomatic circles estimate that the heavy phase follows - the discovery of the orderers and the reconstruction of the motive of Ivanovic's murder, which could be a matter of political agreement, Belgrade based daily Danas writes.