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“West sick of Kosovo story, wants speedy solution” (BETA, Sputnik, B92, TV Most)

Leader of Peoples Party (Vuk Jeremic) told Sputnik that Pristina’s allies got sick of Kosovo story and want to reach a solution as soon as possible.

Jeremic added, membership of Kosovo to the UN is not as much important to Pristina as it is important to its allies in the international arena, who would like “to conclude the story they got sick of”.

“In 2008 they thought it would be completed fast, and it is not over, so now they have to meet with people such as Ramush Haradinaj, Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci. These are people, they do not like to spend time with, unless they have to. When this is over they would say “now you can boil in your own juices, anyway, we won’t accept you in any integrations in forthcoming years and you would serve as a kind of outskirt, what you have been for hundreds of years,” Jeremic said.

Jeremic also said, internationals find Aleksandar Vucic as “ideal interlocutor” since he is preparing “a detrimental solution for Serbian interests” in Kosovo, as “he will accept signing of a comprehensive, legally binding agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, which would provide Kosovo to get a seat in the UN”.

He added Russia and China, that hold veto power in UN SC are “unbreakable barrier for the time begin” for the Kosovo membership in the UN and that is why West pressures Belgrade to sign an agreement on comprehensive normalization of relations, based on what it could propose a resolution so Pristina would get a seat in the UN.

Meanwhile, Srpska Lista in a reaction to Jeremic’s statements said that Jeremic helped unilateral declaration of Kosovo independence and with “a brilliant maneuver before the International Court of Justice almost cemented unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, strongly than all NATO bombs”.

Srpska Lista added “Jeremic continues to impress them with analytical skills, and it is a pity that such a brilliant mind stays in a small country in the Balkans,” TV Most reported.