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Joksimovic: EU ambassadors did not mention change of the dialogue format (RTS)

Serbian Minister of European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic, after meeting with the ambassadors of the EU Member State in Brussels, stated that none of the participants have mentioned direct involvement or change of the format of the dialogue, Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) reports.

"There was no intervention in terms of direct inclusion or change of format. The process itself is complicated and has a lot of difficulty and uncertainty, but there is understanding and perception that Belgrade is the one who fulfilled the signed obligations, and others did not," says Jadranka Joksimovic.

She adds that ambassadors of the EU member states were interested in when will be achieved a legally binding agreement, and that she has presented Serbia's arguments about the role of the Brussels Agreement, the way it has been achieved, to what extent it has been implemented and what the parties did.

"I presented the argument with which everyone agreed, and that is that the Brussels Agreement is a legally binding agreement that was signed not only by Belgrade and Pristina, but also that it has EU guaranties. I asked them to read the Brussels agreement, on a page and half, and to see that Serbia has really fulfilled all the obligations of this agreement and that we are now waiting to see a concrete and tangible result related to the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) so that the whole process continues, as we did not obstruct it, "Joksimovic said.

She states that among the member states there is understanding that Belgrade was working on the implementation of the Brussels Agreement.

She emphasizes that Serbia now expects to see the results of the work on the drafting of the statute of the ZSO for which the deadline expires in three months, RTS reports.