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Lawsuit for Serbia, Thaci’s “depressing rhetoric” (Koha Ditore)

The paper reports that statement of Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, that Kosovo will file a lawsuit against Serbia for war reparations, was considered as delayed, depressing and hardly feasible. For 15 years, Kosovo has not undertaken a single step that would put Serbia in front of justice for the crimes committed and for the material damages in Kosovo.  According to the opposition parties and experts on war crimes, the statement of the former Prime Minister is rhetoric to calm down the public opinion regarding the special court, which will deal with the alleged crimes of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA,) reported this daily. Kosovo has had sufficient facts to file a lawsuit against Serbia for genocide, war crimes or at least for the material damages during the war, however, this never happened,not even after Kosovo’s independence.

Hashim Thaci, former KLA leader, told Turkish media that there is evidence that Serbia committed genocide in Kosovo. “We have facts, testimonies and the entire world knows of it. However, being that Kosovo is still not a UN member, we are making efforts to find legal space to accuse Serbia for genocide and to prove this in front of the international justice,” said Thaci.

Representatives of the opposition parties said that Thaci should have made such statements in Brussels, during the discussions with Serbia and not in Turkey.

It is not the first time that Thaci is threatening to file a lawsuit. He had announced that he would file a lawsuit against Dick Marty, after the publication of the report for the alleged crimes of the KLA, where Thaci was directly accused.