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Assembly chairmanship gathers to decide on Thursday’s session (media)

The Assembly chairmanship gathered today to discuss the modalities of the Thursday’s session. The meeting was held without the presence of the heads of the parliamentary groups of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Vetevendosje movement and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA).

Kosovo Assembly President Kadri Veseli, stated during this meeting that the Assembly is being abused unjustly. “As the President, I am obliged to respect the Constitution, but first of all I am obliged to be a human, and I do not want to be the causer of conflicts, because this is clearly a political war. As President, I will fight for the Assembly not to be used for a major or minor revolution,” said Veseli at this meeting.

Speaking about Albin Kurti’s arrest, Veseli said that they were not informed about this arrest and criticized the Police saying that despite Kurti’s legal violations, the Police should be more transparent and it should not act in that manner with the deputies by arresting them in the middle of the night, causing situations such as the one that happened the other night.

Head of LDK parliamentary group, Ismet Beqiri, said that Assembly should be the one to unblock sessions. “There is no reason to endanger any deputy. We are also in favor of finding reasonable actions in order to prevent escalation of the situation, but some are not choosing means to come to power. We request to hold the session tomorrow. The effort to block the work of the Assembly is unjustifiable,” Beqiri said.

Slobodan Petrovic from the Serbian List said during the meeting that Assembly Chairmanship should come up with a joint decision for the next session adding that responsibility should be shared, and Assembly Speaker should not be the only one to be held responsible.

Deputy Speaker of the Assembly from PDK, Xhavit Haliti, said that there is no signature that cannot be removed. “We should discuss to see if we can do such thing,” he added.

Despite the statements of the Assembly President Kadri Veseli, that security will not be allowed to enter the session, a source within the Assembly told Koha that the decision will be made based on the positions of the heads of parliamentary groups. Deputies of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) which is in governing coalition with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), have continuously requested from the Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, to act in accordance with the Regulation of the Assembly, which among other issues, foresees entrance of security in the Assembly session in order to assure normal flow of works.