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Kurti: PDK-LDK coalition made to silence SHIK’s and Mustafa’s files (kohanet)

Albin Kurti, leader of Vetevendosje movement stated during a press conference held today that while reaching the agreement in principal, for the governance of Kosovo by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK,) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK,) the parties did not discuss coalitions but the post of the prime minister.

“These were two bodies, one seat and no brain,” he said and added that these two parties divided the government as if by knife.

According to him, the U.S. Ambassador Tracey Ann Jacobson had her impact on the agreement.

Kurti said that he is convinced that Jacobson has promised LDK leader, Isa Mustafa, closure of the cases against him, submitted to the prosecution by the Municipality of Pristina. “It is clear to us that bargaining with files took place last night at the President’s office: Isa Mustafa amnesties PDK and SHIK for the committed crimes and corruption while the U.S. Ambassador freezes 70 cases of crime at the municipality that could lead to Mustafa’s accountability. Only two days after mentioning publically those 70 cases to Mustafa, the Ambassador visited Syle Hoxha, acting chief prosecutor of Kosovo. The message was clear,” said Kurti.