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Thaçi: Commission for Association, opposition does not welcome it (RTKlive)

The proposal of the President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, to create a special commission for the Association/Community of the Serbian-majority Communities, was not welcomed by the three opposition parties. According to them, the proposal is not serious and it is a joke on Kosovo politics.

Vetëvendosje movement considers the establishment of a commission unnecessary, being that a response on the Association has already been received by the Constitutional Court. Vetëvendosje Spokesperson, Adonis Tahiri, said that it would have been better for Kosovo to have a new government. “The Association was rejected through a petition signed by 205.254 citizens of Kosovo. Also, hundreds of thousands of citizens protested against it throughout Kosovo since September last year. The Constitutional Court also concluded that the Association violates 23 articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo. To us, the Association is already dead, and we will not allow Thaçi, Mustafa or anyone else to resurrect it. Kosovo does not need new divisions or strengthening of the old ones,” he said, adding that Kosovo needs a new government that would extend sovereignty in the entire territory and that detaches the state from the criminal structures of the parties that led it so far.

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo considers the proposal to be just another improvisation by Thaçi. Member of AAK leadership, Muharrem Nitaj, said that this is a joke with politics and justice. “How is it possible for him to make such an enormous mistake? How is it possible for a commission to produce something based on an agreement that contradicts the Constitution in all of its articles? This is a joke at politics and justice. But it appears that Hashim Thaçi and Isa Mustafa were burned by the Constitutional Court, which acted beyond its mandate, suggestion on how to come out of the situation, and proposed to them a ‘statute’ for the Association,” said Nitaj.

“Their duty (of the Constitutional Court) was to assess compliance of the Agreement for the Association with the Constitution of Kosovo, and this is where their duty ends. Everything else is unimportant and it is not within the mandate of the Court. Since when does the Constitutional Court have an advising role?” he asked.

Nitaj added that the President and the Prime Minister should understand that the agreement for the Association should be rewritten in order not to need any kind of improvised commissions.

 Thaçi on the other hand said during his meeting with the deputies of the European Parliament that establishment of the Association will be in accordance with Kosovo’s laws and Constitution.

“As the President, I pledged that we will complete all our duties, by establishing a commission for the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities. An Association which will not have an executive and legislative aspect, but that it will be in accordance with Kosovo’s laws and European standards,” Thaci said.

 According to the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) establishment of a commission for the Association is not under the President’s competencies.

Member of the leadership of this party, Bilall Sherifi, said that Thaçi’s idea does not even deserve to be treated. “I have said several times and I am reiterating it now that this matter is not under the President’s competency. He continues to interfere in the competencies of the executive. Therefore, if he is not aware, those who advise him would do well by reminding him that he is no longer leader of the party or member of the government of Kosovo, therefore he is neither the Prime Minister nor a Minister. Based on what I just said, this idea of his does not even deserve to be treated because it comes from someone that is not at all competent for this issue,” Sherifi said.

He further stressed that in no case would NISMA become part of these defrauds. “In the contrary we will continue to object it with all our forces. Also we call on the MPs of this majority not to support these games which would only worsen and deepen political crisis,” Sherifi said.

According to him, only early elections would return legitimacy of the institutions of Kosovo.