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Azem Syla, Ramush Haradinaj and Shukri Buja in the INTERPOL list (RTK)

The list of the 157 Kosovars wanted by INTERPOL for different criminal offences with the request of Serbia, is reduced on 22 individuals.

According to RTK, names of the senior institutional officials and former KLA commanders of different zones, used to figure in the previous lists, however not in the most recent one.

After Haradinaj’s detention in France, the Kosovo Police, with the request of the government, requested from Interpol the names of the Kosovars wanted by the International Police Organisation. Former Prime Minister of Kosovo and leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, remain in the list.

RTK sources said leaders of the most senior institutions of Kosovo possess the list. Except for Haradinaj, the name of the former KLA general commander, Azem Syla, also figures in the list. The list continues with the names of Lirim Jakupi, Fadil Sylevic, currently senior member of Kosovo Police and former KLA commander Shukri Buja. Many other names from the list are not known much by the public opinion, RTK reported.