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Grabovci: We are not afraid of protests (Zeri)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) led by Hashim Thaci believes the April 18 protest announced by the opposition parties – the Vetevendosje Movement, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), is unreasonable. Adem Grabovci, the head of the PDK parliamentary group, told Zeri that the ruling coalition is not afraid of the protest. “There is no reason to be afraid because we represent the will of the people. We have been elected through free, fair and democratic elections, which were an example for both Kosovo and the region … The PDK respects different opinions, it has internal democracy and it respects the alternatives of those who think differently … We believe that the protest is a democratic tool but the protest must also respect the rules of democracy. Protests must also be initially reported with the police and a permit needs to be issued. We should not shift debate from the institutions to the streets. If we don’t respect our state and institutions, then we are wrong. I call on every citizen to make a reasonable decision. I also call on the opposition to shift the debate from the streets to the institutions,” Grabovci said.