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Janjic: Do not allow anyone to undermine the ZSO (Blic)

President of the Active Serbia Dusan Janjic said that the part of politicians gathered around the Serbian list, especially in the north, wants to thwart the formation of the Association/Community of Serbian Municipalities and said that Belgrade should not allow it.

Janjic said that one part of the political establishment in Kosovo, gathered around the Serbian list, especially in the north, does not want to allow the full establishment of the ZSO, because that would mean the introduction of not only politicians on functions, but also representatives of economy, society and more. Janjic added that Serbia must not allow anyone to thwart the full constitution of the ZSO, because that institution will be just a missed opportunity.

He notes that this does not mean that the ZSO would be compromised by the latest clashes within the Serbian list, where, he claims, was very clear that the members of other parties turned against Jablanovic and MPs from northern Kosovo.

"ZSO is not compromised, but on how the relationship will be solved within the Serbian list, will depend and when and how the statute will be adopted and who will manage the community. For now Mayor of Leposavic Jablanovic Dragan had pretensions, what was evidently unacceptable for the majority of other Serbian leaders ", says Janjic.

Another problem that he sees was privatization, where, he said, Serbia must solve the problem of status of enterprises.

"This job has not been initiated and there are already powerful interest groups associated with politicians that have begun with looting of public property. The best example is the Kristal factory, which was sold for 60,000 euros. They are abducting the public utility companies which resulted in two things - first, the Serbian government is blocked to realize what it planned in privatization and to create the economic basis for strengthening and survival of Serbian community and secondly, the international community has decided not to give money as long as the Public utility companies are in the hands of hidden owners,"Janjic said.

In short, he explained it as turmoil among Serbs, during which many people were dismissed from their jobs so that these companies can be looted, and he claims that thousands of workers were left without a job.

He also mentions about 6 000 active veterans, who were left with no solutions, and according to Janjic, the Ministry of Labour did not do what was necessary, and they must be transferred into a system of Kosovo, about them should decide people against whom they fought, the former KLA fighters.

He points to the problem of the government in Pristina, which should provide majority for the law on the army and here, when it comes to the Serbs, six votes are needed.

"They are trying, I will not say Isa Mustafa, I will not even say Hashim Thaci, but I will say that there are even attempts from the Serbian side to tear the Serbian parliamentary group, on this occasion, which would reduce the impact of Belgrade on the issue. Belgrade justifiably wants to be asked, because the army is associated with the dissolution of the civilian protection and associated with future relations between Serbia and NATO," said Janjic and claims that this is a serious issue from which Belgrade cannot afford to be excluded.

When it comes to Jablanovic, Janjic claims this is a "one well-organized interest group that often puts personal motives ahead the state, and now encouraged by some people from Belgrade, they go one step further.

''The call of Vulin was good when he said to Serbs, that they should cooperate. The call was in good faith, but it was too late," said Janjic and notes that Jablanovic and deputies from northern Kosovo called on the Minister when they began gathering people and started opposing the group led by the SNS.

As president of the Active Serbia party, Janjic says that they have not participated in previous plunderage, and they are ready to support SNS, and to support the government:

"We support the government and personally Aleksandar Vucic and Marko Djuric to promptly fix this situation. On our part, they can only get political support in the fight against the links between crime and politics and in the fight that quality people come to the functions within the ZSO," said Janjic.

He, however, warned that the entire, at first glance, a small conflict in the Serbian list can be turned into a kind of political disaster for the Serbs in Kosovo, especially if they start engaging into their story parts of the Albanian political and interest groups.