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Djuric: The most comprehensive package of assistance to the Serbs in Kosovo (Serbian media)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has announced that at a joint session of the Government of Serbia and all representatives of Serbian institutions in Kosovo, will be approved ''the most comprehensive package of assistance for the Serbs in Kosovo'', emphasizing that initiative for the joint session came from President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, reports portal NMagazin, quoting Belgrade based TV Prva.

Djuric explained to TV Prva that this package of assistance would enable the renovation of clinical centres, roads, hospitals, schools and other institutions in Kosovo.

''I have to say, that I, as the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, am satisfied, happy and proud that there is such support in Belgrade for the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija'' he said.

He also said that the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic uses ''every opportunity and talks with the world leaders to point to the international law, interests of Serbia and the desire for a compromise solution to be reached''.

“When you point out to foreign interlocutors that Pristina does not abide by the agreement on forming of the Association/Community of Serbian Municipalities for more than 2,000 days, it remains clear to everyone that the arguments are on the Serbian side. That’s why every discussion on this topic is good and useful for us,'' Djuric explains.

He said that between Belgrade and Moscow there are relations of ''trust, friendship and love,'' and that the ''seriousness and depth'' of these relations are best illustrated by the fact that President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic met with the Russian President Vladimir Putin 14 times.

Djuric also said that he recently visited Moscow as a member of the ruling party (SNS), when this party signed an agreement on cooperation with Russia’s largest party ''United Russia.''

Commenting the statement of Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj that he will not give up ''Kosovo’s jewels of Trepca and Gazivode'', Djuric told TV Prva that Haradinaj cannot give up something that he does not have and added that these statements sound like ''sparks for domestic political use.''

''Trepca North, held and controlled by the Serbs, operates successfully and has more than 3,000 employees, pays its own wages and expenses and it will continue to do so.''