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Victims' families notified about identification results (Tanjug)

Representatives of the Department for Forensic Medicine informed the families of 28 victims whose remains were discovered in the mass grave in Rudnica near Raska about the identification results and presented them with relevant documents.

The remains of 28 victims will be buried in the village of Rezala on April 5, municipality of Srbica in Kosovo, EULEX released on Thursday.

UN Assistant Secretary for Peacekeeping Operations visits today mass grave in Rudnica (Radio Kosova)

United Nations Assistant Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations, Edmond Mulet and the head of UNMIK, Farid Zarif, are visiting today Rudnica, the mass grave in Rashka, Serbia, where it is believed to have been buried 300 victims from the latest war in Kosovo, informs news agency Presheva Jone. The United Nations Delegation will be accompanied by the head of the Commission of Serbia for Missing Persons Veljko Odalovic and representatives from Pristina and other international organizations.

31 bodies exhumed from Rudnica mass grave (Koha Ditore)

The paper reports on the front page that the mortal remains of 31 victims from the Kosovo conflict have been exhumed from the Rudnica mass grave in Serbia. Arsim Gërxhaliu, director of the Forensics Department at the Kosovo Ministry of Justice, told the paper that they will soon perform autopsies on the victims. He also said that it is not good to prejudge the number of victims that may be found in the mass grave. The paper notes that the mass grave is believed to contain the bodies of 250 Albanians executed by Serbian troops during the conflict.