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The protest at the Assembly starts (Klan Kosova)

Around 200 people have gathered in front of the Assembly of Kosovo in Pristina, protesting against the establishment of the special court.

Some members of the Vetevendosje movement have joined them. Among them is the son of the Skenderaj/Srbica municipality, Sami Lushtaku.

The protesters hold the pictures of the former KLA commander Sylejman Selimi with inscription “With you commander,” reports Klan Kosova.

The war veterans’ organizations are objecting establishment of the special court.

Robert Boch, furious about the session (Klan Kosova)

The Dutch Ambassador to Kosovo, Robert Boch, said for Klan Kosova, that he is skeptical about the establishment of the Special Court.

He added that he will post a message on his twitter account to express his bitterness regarding the things that happened today at the Assembly of Kosovo.

"In a system where the rule of law functions, the three separate powers should not criticize each-other. Especially not the judiciary," Boch wrote later on his twitter account, reports Koha Ditore.

Kosovo Assembly session postponed (all media)

Gazeta Express reported that 11 MPs from the Democratic Party of Kosovo refused to vote today in favour of the establishment of the special court. This has led to postponement of the session for an indefinite period. Sources within the PDK parliamentary group said that the decision to postpone the session came after the 11 MPs announced they would vote against the special court’s establishment. The news site has published the names of the 11 MPs.

To the U.S. and G.B., delay on establishment of the special court is disappointing (Gazeta Express)

Assessing that the special court was the issue “that has preoccupied the Security Council,” Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, told the members of the Security Council that Kosovo will establish this institution on Tuesday “in order to cleanse our war and to isolate individual cases and negative actions.”

For Kosovo and for what it can become (Koha Ditore)

Head of EU Office in Kosovo and EU Special Representative, Samuel Zbogar, in an opinion for the paper says that the Kosovo Assembly members have an important decision ahead and while on the one hand they are concerned how their vote will reflect on Kosovo’s past, on the other, they will be voting for the future of Kosovo. “I am convinced the Assembly will take the right decision in favour of establishing specialized chambers,” writes Zbogar.

UN Security Council waiting for the Kosovo Assembly (RTK)

If the Kosovo Assembly fails to adopt the special court, which is expected to address war crimes allegations, then the United Nations Security Council will do so. Eri Kaneko, the Associate Spokesperson to the United Nations Secretary-General, told Radio Kosova via email that the UN General Assembly or the Security Council have the mandate to establish the special court and that the process would have to be initiated by Security Council member states.

Before a done deal (Kosova Sot)

In the front-page editorial today the paper says that the members of the UN Security Council yesterday addressed a lot of criticism towards Kosovo institutions for delaying the establishment of the special court. The paper claims the establishment of the court is a done deal and the people of Kosovo should have enough courage to face justice regardless of who the court will indict. It is about time to clean a period of Kosovo’s history which as much as it has created glory and heroism, it has also carried suspicion and confusion, particularly with international community.

Petritsch: Kosovo to establish special court as soon as possible (KosovaPress)

The former European Union Special Envoy for Kosovo and former EU chief negotiator in peace talks on Kosovo, Wolfgang Petritsch said on Tuesday that Kosovo should establish the special court as soon as possible, in order to move forward. According to him, it is in the national interest of Kosovo to deal with the past, in order to have a better future.

Ymeri: special court puts into question Kosovo’s sovereignty (KosovaPress)

The leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, Visar Ymeri, told KosovaPress that the current government of Kosovo is no different from earlier ones in any way. “This government is bringing the special court to create a parallel system of justice in Kosovo,” Ymeri said. According to him, the special court puts into question the sovereignty of Kosovo. Ymeri added that the special court is directly sponsored by Serbia and Russia, and aims to install a logic of selective justice in Kosovo.

The Special Dilemma (Zeri)

Lavdim Hamidi writes today that the dilemma on the Special Court should definitely resolve by Friday. “If there is no third solution and if only two options are on the table, then there is no doubt that this dilemma should resolve with establishment of the court by the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, in order to prevent the United Nations Security Council to do so,” writes Hamidi.