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Ivanovic: Government to settle elections in Belgrade as the Kosovo's ones (N1, NIN)

The leader of the Civic Initiatives SDP Oliver Ivanovic said that in the local elections in Kosovo, Serbian authorities put everything on one card, and that Mitrovica was a symbol and a recipe for resolving local elections in Belgrade.

Enable voting for displaced persons (TV Most)

The Serbian List says that Pristina’s actions at administrative crossings show an obvious attempt to prevent IDPs from central Serbia to vote in Kosovo, TV Most reports.

The List urges the authorities to free all administrative crossings and enable unhindered voting and to stop interfering in the election process, reports TV Most.




Đurić condemned arrest of activists in Pasjane, calls Serbs to vote (Serbian media)

Commenting yesterday's arrest of Serbian List activists, Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić estimates for RTS that this is not a coincidence, adding that Pristina, perhaps and a part of the international community, does not correspond to unity of Serbs and institutional ties with the state of Serbia, TV Most reports.

Molotov cocktails thrown at the billboard of the Serbian List (RTS, Kossev, TV Most)

Serbian media reports that last night unknown persons thrown Molotov cocktails at the billboard of the Serbian List in Leposavić.

The incident happened sometime after 9 pm. Perpetrators demolished the billboard, and then at the high speed left the scene, the media reports.

The KPS teams conducted the investigation. There are no injuries and material damage was caused, KoSSev reports.

Vesti: Serbian knockout in the Kosovo ring – lower the atmosphere to the level of decency

Doctor Dragiša Milović says for Vesti portal that he is trying to reduce tension because it is about local elections. He says that he will not deal with the status, or the army of Kosovo, so that someone can accuse them of betraying national interests.

Tensions ahead of local elections in Kosovo (Vesti)

Low blows, insults, repression, blackmail, division on "traitors" and "patriots" are the moves that the Serb parties withdraw in the fight for supremacy. Many citizens say they are in fear, they feel pressures and blackmail, and they point finger to the Serbian List, which is the absolute winner of the past Kosovo local elections, which controls payroll lists of public companies and institutions.

Serbian List insists on creation of new municipality in Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic, said that the Serbian List will insist on the creation of the new municipality of Prilluzhe/Priluzje, a village with predominantly Serb population. Jevtic said the government of Kosovo should take the decision on creating the new municipality not for political reasons but to help the local population.


Serbian List requests establishment of Association (RTK)

Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo from the Serbian List, Slavko Simic and head of the Serbian List caucus, Sasa Milosavjevic, met today with the Director-General for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Christian Danielsson.

Simic stressed the importance of creation of Association of the Serb-majority Municipalities as well as implementation of all the agreements achieved in the Pristina-Belgrade dialogue.

"Serb-Albanian relations must be resolved once and for all" (B92, RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said that "a difficult compromise" when it comes to Kosovo does not mean that only one side is satisfied.

He said that when it comes to Kosovo a compromise was important, "in order to live in peace."

"I would neither add nor take anything away when it comes to what I said at the UN. Kosovo will not join the UN, unless we are satisfied with something, and we cannot be satisfied if they want us to recognize Kosovo," Vucic told RTS late on Tuesday.