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And today protests over Trepča (NMagazin, KiM radio)

The Director General of Trepča, Jovan Dimkić in a statement to RTS announced the protest at 10 am in Leposavić/Leposaviq and in the village of Rudare and Zvečan/Zveçan.

Several hundred workers of Trepča from Zvečan/Zveçan blocked yesterday, around 2 pm, the main road Mitrovica-Raška, at Rudare, dissatisfied with the decision to include the law on Trepča under urgent procedure into the agenda of the session of the Assembly of Kosovo.

Serb members of the Kosovo government left the session because of the Trepča (Kontakt plus radio)

Serb representatives in the Kosovo government have opposed the draft law on Trepča at a government session, stressing that it excludes the Serbian community from the decision-making about the future of the conglomerate, and that the whole process was politicized.

Minister for Administration and Local Self-Government Ljubomir Marić says that it is irregular to submit the draft law to the ministers immediately before the session of the Government.

Kosovo Government submits to Assembly draft law on Trepça mine (media)

The Government of Kosovo has submitted to the Assembly draft law on Treçpa mining complex. Minister of Economic Development, Blerand Stavileci, said the draft law is aimed at improving the legal infrastructure and enabling investment and revitalization of the Trepça mine. Serb ministers in the Kosovo government voted against the draft bill with the Deputy Prime Minister, Branimir Stojanović, calling it a result of a political process. Stojanović said the Serb representatives have not taken part in the drafting of the law and that he considers the issue was political and not economic.

Next Assembly session on Friday (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Assembly President Kadri Veseli, said today that the Assembly Presidency has decided that the next Assembly session will be held on Friday and that Trepca bill will be part of the agenda. He said he was confident that the bill will pass.  Veseli also said that the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro will be put into vote soon.

26 companies interested in a feasibility study for Trepča (RTK2, KoSSev)

At a meeting of the Board of Privatisation Agency of Kosovo one of the highest priority issues was the question of Trepča and the tender which is open for the procurement of professional services for a feasibility study for Trepča.

The announcement from this meeting says that there is the great interest of international companies and consortiums, which have signed up to participate in this process. So far, 26 have applied for the tender, while 7 have submitted bids, said in the PAK statement.

"Kosovo owns 110 facilities in Serbia" (RTK2, KoSSev)

Kosovo has abroad, mainly in Serbia, not-privatized assets. The list of unsold property is consisted at a total of 162 companies.

Ninety-nine of Kosovo firms are located in Serbia. In addition, in Serbia are and 11 facilities belonging to the Trepca mining complex.

There are 35 companies in Montenegro, 35 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM 7 and 5 in Croatia and Slovenia.

Maric: The issue of "Trepca" should be resolved in Brussels (RTS)

Minister for Local Government Administration in Kosovo Ljubomir Maric told RTS that the Serb representatives will not participate in the Commission that will propose a law specifying the ownership and functioning of Trepca Complex. This issue should be addressed at the Brussels level, said Maric. He said that Serb representatives tried to tell Prime Minister Isa Mustafa that the decision on the establishment of the Commission is wrong.

Serbs in Kosovo not asked about the draft law on Trepca (Blic)

The Kosovo government has formed a commission to deal with the draft law on Trepca, but representatives of the Serbs in Kosovo have opposed it and have pointed out that the Serbian community should have a decisive voice in terms of assets in the predominantly Serbian areas.

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric says that Pristina was refusing any talks about the property.