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Mustafa: Kosovo ready to join UNESCO (Kosovapress)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa met the UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Hervé Ladsous with whom he discussed the political situation in Kosovo and the region.

Prime Minister Mustafa informed Ladsous about priorities of the Kosovo government, about sustainable economic development, rule of law, fight against corruption and organised crime and Euro-Atlantic integration.

Collaku: We will apply for Council of Europe membership (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Minister of European Integration, Bekim Collaku, met today with the Council of Europe Head of Office in Pristina, Isabelle Servoz Gallucci, and informed her that the Kosovo government was making all necessary preparations to apply for membership of the Council of Europe. “I also notified Gallucci about our two priorities in the European agenda: the visa liberalization process and the signing of the Stabilization/Association Agreement.

Kosovo to apply for Council of Europe membership in three months (Koha)

The Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, informed today the government of Kosovo about his visit to Brussels and meetings with senior officials of the European Union. Thaci said that Kosovo has met the criteria for applying for membership in the Council of Europe. “Kosovo has met the criteria for membership and hopefully in coordination with international partners, we will apply in the next three months, and we expect to join the Council of Europe,” said Thaci.

EU ministers: Serbia made progress, more work ahead (Tanjug)

BRUSSELS - The Council of the European Union commended on Tuesday the progress Serbia made in internal reforms and in the normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations, noting, however, that there is still work to be done.

“The Council welcomes the progress made by Serbia in the past year, including in public administration reform, judicial reform and the fight against corruption and organized crime,” reads the document adopted on Tuesday at the meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels.

Pristina evaluate human rights (Vecernje Novosti)

The recent decision of the Venice Commission to allow entry of Kosovo in its composition will have a series of symbolic as well as practical consequences, and precedents in the work of this institution, which has a strong influence in international relations. We examined what will change in the ‘treatment’ of the southern province within "the European Commission for Democracy through Law," and beyond. 

10 to 20 accused from Marty’s report (Tribuna)

On the front page, the paper claims that investigations into war crimes allegations presented in the Council of Europe (CoE) report have concluded there is no evidence that an organ trafficking trade existed, but in the course of the investigation, evidence was found regarding other crimes alleged to have been committed by members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). 10 to 20 former KLA members are expected to be indicted for these crimes as soon as the Special Court is up and running. The indictment will include KLA members from the Drenica and Dukagjin zones, sources told the paper.

Kosovo, member of Venice Commission (Tribuna)

Kosovo has on Wednesday been admitted as a member to the Venice Commission which the paper says is a step forward in gaining membership in the Council of Europe. A statement issued by the Kosovo Foreign Ministry stated that 35 countries voted in favour of Kosovo’s membership in one of the most important institutions of the Council of Europe. Kosovo is expected to benefit directly from membership in the field of strengthening democracy as well as constitutional and election reforms.