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"37 Serbs currently in Kosovo Security Force, as 70 leave" (Tanjug, B92, Lajmi)

The KSF (Kosovo Security Force) commander Rahman Rama said that "due to pressure from Belgrade," 70 members have left this formation. He submitted a report to a relevant parliamentary committee and said the focus of the KSF was on "including members of minority communities.”

Currently, the KSF has 10 percent of minority communities’ members and eight percent of women.

"Due to pressure and blackmail that came from Serbia, more than 70 members have left the KSF and now we have 37," Rama claims, Albanian daily Lajmi is reporting.


No parallels between Bosnia and Pristina-Belgrade talks, says US Ambassador to BiH (N1, Beta)

The US does not consider that the ongoing talks between Serbia and Kosovo have anything to do with Bosnia, the newly appointed US Ambassador to Sarajevo, Eric Nelson, said on Thursday in his first press conference after taking office, N1 reported.

“The US position is clear that there is no parallel between the negotiations taking place between Serbia and Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina,” he said.

Serbia, NATO share interest in preserving regional stability (, B92, Kontakt plus radio)

Serbian media reports that First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received on Monday Deputy Commander of NATO Joint Force Command in Naples Lieutenant General Christian Juneau.

The Serbian government said in a press release that the interlocutors underlined that Serbia and NATO have a common interest of preserving peace and stability in the region, as well as the determination to further enhance partnership cooperation in all spheres of common interest.

Former MEP Doris Pack speaks out against border changes in Western Balkans (N1, Radio Free Europe)

The European Parliament’s former rapporteur on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Doris Pack, spoke out on Tuesday against changes to borders in the Balkans.

Former MEP expressed surprise over the fact that the Presidents of Serbia and Kosovo, Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci, support the proposed territory swap between Serbia and Kosovo.

Milivojevic: It is by no coincidence that they call for abolishment of Resolution 1244 (Tanjug, B92)

Diplomat Zoran Milivojevic commenting on letters/congratulations that the USA President Donald Trump has sent to Belgrade and Pristina, said it points out there is no solution to the Kosovo issue without Serbia, Tanjug news agency reported. He also added, support of Washington to Kosovo independence is indisputable.

NATO: KSF obligations agreed in letters that are not public (RTS)

Kosovo authorities and NATO in letters exchanged in 2013 agreed on the obligation that Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) can not move northern of the Ibar River without KFOR approval. However, these letters are not available to the public, NATO officials said, RTS reported.

The obligation is clear, Kosovo Security Forces cannot move north of the Ibar River without approval of KFOR. Asked if it is possible to see the letters, the NATO official responded, “that this correspondence is not available to the public.”

Dacic: EU membership, regional stability priorities for Serbia (TV N1)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said on Thursday that membership in the European Union and regional stability are Serbia’s key foreign policy priorities, TV N1 reports.

Speaking to students at the 8th class of High Security and Defense Studies, Dacic said that Kosovo is an issue of the highest national interest and the greatest political and security challenge, adding that Serbia will remain committed to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and compromise as the only way to reach a viable solution.

"Thaci made promise to NATO in 2013 regarding North" (FRE, B92)

Hashim Thaci promised to NATO in 2013 that the KSF will not go to the north of Kosovo "without the consent of KFOR," Radio Free Europe said it learned. NATO sources explained that there was an exchange of letters between the-then Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and former Secretary General Andreas Fogh Rasmussen.

US Ambassador to NATO on Belgrade-Pristina relations (Tanjug, B92)

USA Ambassador to NATO, Kay Bailey Hutchison said the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina would also mitigate other problems on the both sides, Tanjug news agency reported.

“We want Kosovo and Serbia to work together on normalization. Normalization would contribute to mitigate many other open issues that both sides have,” Ambassador Hutchison said.

She added it is NATO’s wish to overcome historic problems in the territories of Serbia and Kosovo and to establish inclusive minority rights “on both sides of the borders.”