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Office for KiM: Djuric banned from entering Kosovo; Kosovo police: Djuric had permission to enter (Serbian media)

The Serbian government Office for Kosovo said on Wednesday that its chief Marko Djuric had been banned from entering Kosovo but the local police denied that claim.

The Beta news agency was told by the Office that Pristina had banned Djuric from entering Kosovo but Ranking police official Besim Hoti denied that claim saying that Djuric had permission for the visit and decided not to enter Kosovo.

“He was not banned from entering, he had permission to enter Kosovo, but he had his own reasons to turn back,” Hoti said.

Kosovo police prevented Vinka Radosavljevic to cross Jarinje (TV Most)

Coordinator of the Management Team for the establishment of Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities (ACSM), Vinka Radosavljevic was prevented on Saturday by the Kosovo police to cross Jarinje point and continue her journey towards Raska, TV Most reported.

Bojic: Security situation stable (Radio kontakt plus)

Chief of Kosovo Police Regional Operations in the North Zeljko Bojic told Radio kontakt plus security situation in the north of Kosovo is stable and police undertakes all the measures to keep it as such.

Radio kontakt plus also said some of the Mitrovica North citizens the radio interviewed said they are concerned due to different rumours one could hear over the last days related to the security situation in the north of Kosovo.

1269 cases of violence against women, five women murdered (Radio KIM)

Every third woman in Kosovo is subjected to domestic violence, UN Women in Kosovo Director, Flora Macula said today during debate in Media Centre in Caglavica. Police said there are 1269 domestic violence cases reported last year, and five cases ended tragically.

628 cases in which women were the victims were reported in the first half of the year. Out of this number, 78 cases happened in the Serb-populated areas.

Serb Recruitment to Kosovo Police ‘Not Decreasing’ (Balkan Insight)

The number of Serbs interested in joining the Kosovo Police remains consistent, officials said, despite reports that Serbs have been asking to quit the Kosovo Security Force amid political tensions.

Despite reports that Serbs have been asking to leave the Kosovo Security Force amid an upsurge of political tensions between Belgrade and Pristina, the number of Serbs who want to join the Kosovo Police remains similar to 2014, the force said.

Vitomir Ilic from Korminjane, near Ranilug arrested (RTV Puls)

Special Kosovo police unit arrested this morning Vitomir Ilic (58) in the village of Korminjane, near Ranilug and took him for informative interrogation to the police station in Gnjilane, RTV Puls reports.

Kosovo police for Gnjilane region spokesperson Ismet Hasani confirmed the arrest of a person of Serb nationality, without mentioning identity and reasons for the arrest.

Vitomir Ilic is a former member of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs and was retired ten years ago. He spent the entire time after the armed conflict in Kosovo in his home place with the family.

Vehicle of Health House in Gorazdevac stolen (Radio Gorazdevac, KIM Radio)

Only three days after the arrest of an organized criminal group in Pec, suspected of carrying out thefts and burglaries, the only vehicle of a Health House in Gorazdevac was stolen over the weekend, Serbian media reported.

The vehicle was used to transport patients from the Health House to the Mitrovica Clinical Centre, but also to visit returns' sites and nuns in the Pec Patriarchate Monastery. Kosovo police launched an investigation.

Radio Gorazdevac reminded this is the fourth vehicle stolen in Gorazdevac over the last six months.

Simic: International community silence causes uneasiness among Serbs (TV Prva)

The Serbian List MP Igor Simic says that the international community silence regarding the arrest of five Serbs in Gnjilane is causing uneasiness among the Serbs in Kosovo.

“The international community’s silence on such a brutal force is something that is causing uneasiness among the Serbs in Kosovo. It simply mustn’t happen, especially when we are in the negotiation phase,'' Simic told TV Prva, based in Belgrade.

Released five Serbs arrested this morning in the action of Kosovo special police (RTS)

Members of the special forces of the Kosovo police, armed with long pipes, arrested and then released five Serbs.

The police this morning infiltrated the premises of the Cultural and Educational Center "Bozidar Mitrovic Sandor" in Silovo near Gnjilane and searched several houses in that town.