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The new Criminal Code provides for a life sentence for paedophilia (RTK2, KTV)

More than 100 minors, under the age of 16, have been sexually harassed in Kosovo over the past two years, reports RTK2, citing KTV.

Sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 16 is punishable by the Criminal Code, but it does not explicitly mention the term "paedophilia".

Ismet Salihu, professor of criminal law, who is part of the Working Group working on amendments to the Kosovo Criminal Code, explains why paedophilia is not precisely defined as a criminal offense.

Suspects in war crimes to be tried in absentia? (KIM radio, Kontakt plus radio)

Round table in organization of NGO Aktiv dealt with possible amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, which would enable war crimes trials for persons in absentia.

In this way, many laws, international charter and conventions would be violated, it was said at a round table held in northern Mitrovica yesterday.

Positive or negative connotations that may arise have been discussed, if the amendment proposed by the Self-Determination is adopted.

Ministry of Justice claims criminal code changes are taken from German law (RTK)

In a statement to the media, Kosovo’s Ministry of Justice has clarified that the proposed provisions to the Criminal Code of Kosovo regarding offenses against state symbols have been taken from the German legislation which is known as a country with highest standards of human rights safeguards. Furthermore, said the Ministry of Justice, offenses against constitutional authorities are also sanctioned in other EU countries like France, Italy, Poland, Greece, Lithuania, Slovenia.

EU against changes to Criminal Code of Kosovo (Telegrafi)  

The EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative has expressed concern over the intention of Kosovo authoritirs to amend the Criminal Code of Kosovo by introducing new measures against libel and defamation. “A number of EU members or potential members, including Kosovo, have done away with criminal defamation and insult, and several others have taken important steps in that direction. Decriminalisation of libel and defamation in Kosovo was reported as progress in European Commission's Report in 2013.