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Serbian Defense Minister says EU should use stick not carrot for Kosovo (RTS, Tanjug, TV N1)

Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin said on Monday that the European Union should halt the visa liberalization process for citizens of Kosovo, if Pristina fails to revoke the 100 percent tariffs on Serbian goods.

Vulin told RTS that the EU should change its policy towards Kosovo from carrot to stick, adding that Pristina was always rewarded for what he said was bad behavior. He said the EU should halt the implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement and prevent the free movement of Kosovo officials.

Djuric, Vulin, Stefanovic reactions on new Pristina’s negotiation team, Limaj (RTS)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric said Pristina does not want any serious talks about the future and normalization of relations, but instead wishes to continue with provocation, RTS reports.

Djuric noted that Pristina’s decision to appoint one of the most notorious commander of terrorist KLA Fatmir Limaj as one of the heads of its negotiation team is ridiculing the very essence of a dialogue idea.

Meanwhile, Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin said that Limaj’s appointment is an insult to common sense.

Vulin: Vucic informed, army ready (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Minster of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin said the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is assessed, while President Aleksandar Vucic is informed about every detail, Tanjug news agency reported.

Vulin added that the President is very much concerned and worried over everything that is happening on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, and that he would make decisions based on immediate insight into what happens there.

Belgrade calls on 53 states to prevent creation of Kosovo army (TV N1)

Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin wrote a letter to his counterparts in 53 states asking them to prevent Kosovo from forming its army, TV N1 reports.

A statement from his office said Vulin sent those letters "so that no one could claim one day they did not know what was happening in Kosovo.”

“What is worrying is the news on Kosovo army being formed, which is an attempt to create yet another paramilitary unit in Kosovo,” the statement quoted Vulin as saying.

Vulin: Albanians from Kosovo are already in Iraq and Afghanistan (Tanjug, RTS)

Serbian Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin, reacting to a statement Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj made earlier that Kosovo army is not formed for the north but “for Afghanistan and Iraq,” said that Albanians from Kosovo are already in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria and elsewhere where Al Qaida and ISIS are.

“If Haradinaj wants to send Albanians from Kosovo to Iraq and Afghanistan, he needs no army for that,” Vulin said, adding that based on the number of inhabitants, Kosovo has the highest number of foreign fighters joining ISIS, than any other nation.

Vulin: Project of “Great Albania” has not been abandoned (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin said that representatives of Albanians have never abandoned “Great Albania” project, Tanjug news agency reported.

He warned this project cannot be achieved without violence and the expulsion of all other peoples living in Kosovo and Metohija.

He added “Great Albania” is a threat to the entire region, but it is also concerning that the EU, NATO and the rest of the world either do not understand or choose to pretend that they do not understand “we are witnessing the creation of “Great Albania.”

Vucic, Vulin on Serbia’s neighbours voting in Interpol (B92, RTS, TV Pink)

Following the voting on Kosovo Interpol bid yesterday, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he understood well messages from some neighbors that Serbia is a less valuable friend to them, than Pristina, B92 reports.

Referring to Skopje and Podgorica voting in favor of Kosovo, Vucic noted that they have sent a clear message to Serbia, you are a friend of secondary importance, while Albanians are true friends.

"Insulted, not humiliated" - how Serbia faired in France (TV Pink, Tanjug, B92, BETA)

Serbia has not been humiliated, but it is insulted by the seating arrangement during a ceremony in Paris to mark 100 years since the end of WW1, Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin said on Wednesday, referring to the scandal that occurred on Sunday.

Vulin told TV Pink that "neither Serbia nor President Aleksandar Vucic had been humiliated, but they have been insulted."

Vulin: “Kosovo army” can disturb entire Balkans (Tanjug, B92)

Serbia is resolutely opposing forming of not only an army, but paramilitary formation in Kosovo, since it cannot be an army, Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin told Tanjug news agency.

“In order to have an army, you should be a state first, and as we know Kosovo is a territory under UN administration in line with Resolution 1244, therefore, there can be no other armed forces but KFOR,” Vulin told the media.