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Hoxhaj: Turkish investments in Kosovo more a myth than reality (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Enver Hoxhaj said for Klan Kosova TV that Turkey’s investments in Kosovo and Balkans are more a myth than a reality. “EU is the greatest economic partner of Kosovo. Most services and donations come from the EU. Then, except for the U.S., Germany is the biggest donor,” Hoxhaj said, denying that only Turkey invests in Kosovo. “If we check statistics, our greatest investment was IPKO from Slovenia.

Serb representatives decide to boycott Minister Jevtic (Klan Kosova)

Representatives of ten predominantly Serb municipalities decided in Zvecan today not to recognise the newly appointed Mirjana Jevtic as Minister of Local Government and Administration ruling out any type of cooperation with her. In a meeting, the mayors of Zvecan, Mitrovica North, Zubin Potok, Gracanica, Partes, Ranilug, Klokot, Partes and Novoberdo unanimously decided to cut off any contact with members of the Socialist Party which they blame for causing rift among Kosovo Serbs.

Kosovo without a seat at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (Klan Kosova)

Head of the Serbian delegation at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Aleksandra Djurović, said that the Serbian party managed to prevent Kosovo delegation to gain the authorization for participation at the sessions of this Assembly.

According to her, Pristina delegation was prevented to propose and sign resolutions at this body of the Council of Europe.

Caushi: Official report into Dehari’s death, science fiction movie scenario (Klan Kosova/Telegrafi)

Vetevendosje MP, Driton Caushi, in today’s plenary session of the Assembly accused the government of trying to “fog out” the case regarding Astrit Dehari’s death at the Prizren detention facility. “Today marks 45 days from Astrit’s death and many citizens continue to seek justice for him while the regime is employing all possible means to fog out the case and close the investigation,” Caushi said adding that the official account into Dehari’s death resembles science fiction movies.

Beqiri: Vetevendosje used Dehari case for political gains (Klan Kosova)

Head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group, Ismet Beqiri, said in the Assembly that Vetevendosje has used the death of its activist, Astrit Dehari, for political gains. Beqiri claimed that while everyone has the right to demand justice, Dehari’s case should not be politicized. “It is unacceptable how this case has been politically used by Vetevendosje,” Beqiri said adding that everyone should wait for the justice to run its course.

13,535 people killed or missing in Kosovo during 1998-2000 (Klan Kosova/Koha)

RECOM - regional commission for the establishment of facts about war crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia – presented today in Pristina findings of a research into human losses suffered in conflicts throughout the territory of former Yugoslavia. RECOM said that over 130,000 people lost their lives in conflicts that began in 1991 and out of this figure over 13,000 are from Kosovo. “From January 1998 to 2000, 13,535 people have been killed or are missing in Kosovo,” said Bekim Balaj from the Humanitarian Law Centre.

Ekaterina Trendafilova appointed the first President of the Specialist Chambers (Klan Kosova)

On 14 December 2016 Dr Ekaterina Trendafilova was appointed the first President of the Specialist Chambers. A press release informs that after the independent Selection Panel submitted its recommendation, the Appointing Authority, Ms. Alexandra Papadopoulou, Head of the EULEX Mission in Kosovo, formally appointed the President.

Mitrovica urgent meeting cut short after opposition walkout (media)

Kosovapress reported that officials from opposition parties in the municipal assembly of Mitrovica – the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) – walked out of the urgent meeting called to discuss the construction of the wall by Serbian leadership in Mitrovica North. The meeting was expected to result in a joint statement condemning the construction of the wall but the PDK and LDK representatives left the meeting after accusing Mitrovica Mayor Agim Bahtiri of not allowing a debate.