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Veseli: Kosovo was a leader in combating religious extremism (media)

Several media have picked up an interview that Kadri Veseli, President of the Kosovo Assembly and acting leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), gave to Klan Kosova on Thursday. Veseli said in the 2005-2006 period, Kosovo was a leader in combating extremism in the region. He said he could not reveal if the former Intelligence Service of Kosovo (SHIK) met with people who were trying to promote radical Islam and if it asked them to leave Kosovo, “because the work of intelligence services is secret”.

Mustafa: Europe is more complete with Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa, in a joint press conference with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini and the Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos, said the European Commission’s recommendation for visa liberalization is an important step for Kosovo. Mustafa said that he discussed in the meeting with EU officials the issue of visa liberalization as well as the fight against corruption, economic development, and dialogue with Serbia.

Thaci to Admiral Ferguson: Kosovo expects establishment of political dialogue with NATO (Klan Kosova)

President Thaçi said that the North Atlantic Alliance remains the key to stability in Kosovo and in the region, adding that KFOR is the most trusted institution among the people of Kosovo.
He said that Kosovo expects to establish a political dialogue with NATO and to enter into contractual relations with the alliance. “Kosovo Security Force has carried out the necessary reforms and is ready to be transformed into an army, a multiethnic force. The armed forces will be ready to join NATO’s Partnership for Peace programme”, he added.

Veseli: I fully support efforts for rule of law (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Assembly President and acting-leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Kadri Veseli, when asked about Kosovo Police and EULEX operation against organized crime in Kosovo today, said Kosovo is committed to the rule of law. “I give my full support to the efforts for rule of law. Prosecution and judiciary shall do their work independently and we will wait for the outcome of their decisions. Either way, we will all be equal before the law,” Veseli said.

Fuel import from Serbia to re-start from 25 April (Klan Kosova)

Zef Deda, head of the Division for drafting trade policies, at the Ministry of Trade and Industry, told Klan Kosova that the agreement between Serbia and Kosovo was reached after 17 or 18 hours of discussions. “This agreement will become effective on 25 April and Kosovo importers will continue with their importing of fuel,” Deda said. “It is not very positive when we say that we are importing from Serbia, but it was important to resolve recognition of the ADR certificates.

Veseli won't be the only candidate for leader of PDK (Klan Kosova)

Despite that he is the party’s nominee, Kadri Veseli, has not accepted to be the only candidate to run for the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). This was confirmed by PDK’s deputy leader, Memli Krasniqi. Krasniqi said there will be other candidates running for this post, and that all the candidate will announce their candidacy at the same time. Election of the new PDK leader will be done during PDK’s Extraordinary Convention on 7 May.

Mustafa: Opposition obstructed government’s work (Klan Kosova)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa said at the meeting of the government today that the opposition has prevented it from carrying it out its work. In a presentation of the annual work report before the members of his cabinet, Mustafa said that they have so far implemented up to 95 percent of the government plan. He said the north of Kosovo is integrated and that there is also progress in the healthcare sector. At the same time, Mustafa said the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with European Union is a major achievement for Kosovo in 2015.

Kadrijaj: AAK will not enter a coalition with ruling parties (Klan Kosova)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) MP Time Kadrijaj spoke to Klan Kosova about the participation of opposition representatives in the meeting of the parliamentary commission on European integration. Kadrijaj said the opposition is determined to continue boycott of the Kosovo Assembly sessions and its commissions but when it comes to major issues, it is ready to provide its contribution. “We returned as the establishment of this commission was important,” said Kadrijaj.