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Limaj: We are not allowing the Assembly to become part of government’s fault (Klan Kosova)

Fatmir Limaj, leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), told the media at the Assembly hall that the opposition is engaging to prevent the government’s agenda, which according to him is against the interests of Kosovo.

Limaj added further that they are not allowing incrimination of the Assembly.

Kosovo institutions committed to fight gender-based violence (Koha)

Kosovo’s Deputy Justice Minister Lirak Çelaj said at the end of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign that it is no coincidence that Dragash was chosen for the closing event because the municipality authorities have shown commitment and professionalism in dealing with cases of domestic violence. According to Celaj, this is also evident in the latest UN Women Report.

Mustafa: 2015, year of big decisions for Kosovo (Koha)

At the meeting of the National Council for Economic Development organised by the Government of Kosovo, Prime Minister Isa Mustafa noted that the year in going was a time of big decisions and changes in Kosovo. Among the main achievements in 2015, PM Mustafa singled the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with European Union which, he said, laid the foundation of Kosovo’s European perspective. “SAA will enable our businesses to have access to a larger market, completely different from what we had so far, reaching as many as 500 million consumers,” noted Mustafa.

Mustafa recaps on the work of the government, asks his ministers to travel less (Koha)

In the meeting of the government, Prime Minister Isa Mustafa spoke about the annual work of the government and commended the ministries on their work. He said that despite difficulties, the Government has managed to fulfill main objectives for this year with the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the European Union being one of the most significant achievements in 2015.

FOL: Kosovo Government implemented only half of annual work goals (Koha)

On the first anniversary of the Isa Mustafa-led government, FOL think tank published a report on the progress of the government covering the period from January to September of 2015. The report found that by the reporting period, the Government of Kosovo fulfilled only 53 percent of its annual work plan. Fol representatives said the survey monitored the work of 20 government institutions and out of 348 activities or objectives that were planned, 183 have been achieved.

Mustafa: We have received Kerry’s full support (Epoka e Re)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa informed on Thursday during the meeting of the government that the U.S. Secretary of state gave full support to the work of the government. Mustafa said he feels happy for the support that the U.S. is giving to Kosovo. He informed that he discussed with Secretary Kerry the current issues in Kosovo, Euro-Atlantic integration orientation, the work of the government, stability and peace of the region and the issues which currently concern Kosovo.

Mustafa: The government will respect any decision of the court (KosovaPress)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said today at the meeting of the government of Kosovo that the government of Kosovo has taken over a major burden by signing the agreements that are being violently rejected. However, he added these agreements do not concern anything else but normalization of the relations with Kosovo’s neighbors, and that no evil is involved in them.

Kosovo Assembly: We do not have any more work for this year (Gazeta Expres)

Kosovo Assembly has completed the entire legislative program submitted by the government. A press release issued by the Assembly of Kosovo, informs that during Monday’s session, MPs discussed 16 draft-laws, ratified two international economic agreements and discussed a number of reports on the work of different state agencies. With these 35 points of the agenda, the Assembly of Kosovo fulfilled its legislative program proceeded so far by the government of Kosovo.

Opposition optimistic that the Government is reflecting toward their demands (

Opposition parties assess that the Government has started to change its position towards the requests of the opposition parties on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and demarcation of the border with Montenegro. According to the officials of opposition parties, this is happening due to the activities of the opposition.

PM Mustafa for an official visit in Germany (Kosovapress)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, started today an official visit in Lander Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria in Germany.
During these two important visits for Kosovo, Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, accompanied by ministers Hykmete Bajrami Blerand Stavileci and Arban Abrashi, will be hosted by two Lander prime ministers, Winfried Kretschmann and Horst Seehofer.