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UN chief: US will be replaced if it disengages from world (AP)

Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned the Trump administration on Tuesday that if the United States disengages from many issues confronting the international community it will be replaced — and that won’t be good for America or for the world.

Guterres made clear to reporters at his first press conference here since taking the reins of the United Nations on Jan. 1 that proposed cuts in U.S. funding for the U.N. would be disastrous and create “an unsolvable problem to the management of the U.N.”

Kosovo, Montenegro premiers meet in neighboring Albania (AP)

Officials say the prime ministers of Kosovo and Montenegro have met for talks on bilateral and regional issues.

A statement said Kosovo Premier Isa Mustafa and recently-elected Montenegrin counterpart Dusko Markovic met Sunday in Shkoder, 120 kilometers (80 miles) north of Albania's capital, Tirana, and close to the Montenegrin border. They talked about "intensifying especially economic cooperation."

UK's Johnson Urges Kosovo to Keep Talking With Serbia (AP/ABC)

British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson has urged Kosovo to continue its talks with Serbia since both nations "share a vital interest in a normal relationship."

Both nations want to join the 28-nation European Union, although their applications are at different stages. Serbia has launched membership talks while Kosovo last year signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement, the first step toward membership.


Kosovo government holds up debated vote on Montenegro deal (AP/Fox News)

Kosovo's Cabinet has withdrawn a much-contested draft law on the ratification of the border demarcation agreement with neighboring Montenegro, apparently bowing to opposition pressure.

Prime Minister Isa Mustafa on Thursday said the law was withdrawn because of the tense situation, and pledged renewed cooperation on a new draft.