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The Kumanovo threat (Koha Ditore)

KTV editor-in-chief Adriatik Kelmendi writes that, “being that Albania is a member of NATO, and the territory of Kosovo is guaranteed by the presence of NATO troops on the ground, the weakest link is the third country with the biggest Albanian population – the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). This is why there is an attempt to trigger conflicts with the involvement of Albanians in FYROM, which would then trigger reactions from Albanians in Kosovo and Albania and consequently the governments of the latter two countries”.

Situation in Kosovo and southern Serbia is calm (Blic)

The situation in Kosovo and southern Serbia is calm, there is no indication that there may be a complication of the situation, said Zoran Stankovic, President of the Coordination Centre for Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja.

 "Assessments are made on a daily basis, they have been performed and in the past, and security structures are constantly in the field and they carry out assessment of the situation," said Stankovic visiting the B92.

Who did Ali Ahmeti try to save in the Kumanovo action? (Gazeta Blic)

Resignations of FYROM ministers, according to the Skopje-based news outlet Libertas, have surprised the public opinion. According to unnamed diplomatic sources, the resignation process was sped up by a meeting at the US Embassy in Skopje. In the meeting, the two resigned officials – Gordana Jankulovska and Saso Miajlkov, were given recorded telephone conversations between the staff of the FYROM intelligence service and the armed men in Kumanovo.

The war of secret police forces in Kumanovo! (Koha Ditore)

Political analyst Halil Matoshi argues in an opinion piece that “the wounds of Kumanovo can slowly heal if the civic opposition [in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia] is truly engaged for a state of the citizens and blasts away the discrimination of Albanians by asking for their help and loyalty for a truly modern state. If the opposition prefers the dominating and ultranationalist approach against Albanians, then the Macedonians will sign by themselves the division of the state, and the end of their country”.

AAK regrets involvement of its officials in Kumanovo conflict (Koha)

Heads of parliamentary groups condemned today recent events in Kumanovo, FYROM. Head of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group,  Adem Grabovci, said a massacre was carried out in Kumanovo stressing that developments there cannot be tied to the establishment of the special court. He said FYROM authorities will have to give explanations about the “massacre they committed against innocent civilians.”
