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Mushtisht residents oppose the return of Serb families (Koha)

The Albanian residents of Mushtisht in the municipality of Suhareka/Suva Reka are opposing the return of Serb families in this village. According to them, those who committed war crimes in this village must be punished before the Serb families could return there. The news site reported yesterday that an agreement has been reached for the return of 12 Serb families to the village of Mushtisht, in the municipality of Suhareka.


Thaçi in Vatican speaks of interfaith harmony in Kosovo (Koha)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, met today in Vatican the Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Richard Gallagher, and spoke of interfaith, ethnic, and political tolerance in Kosovo. “Kosovo enjoys good relations with all countries in the region and now, under the European Union’s facilitation, is in dialogue with Serbia in a process that is bound to lead to reconciliation of our people in the near future”, said Thaçi. He also spoke of the need for the Holy See to recognise Kosovo saying this would send a positive signal to all the people of Kosovo and the world.

Mustfa: EULEX's presence strengthens war against corruption (Koha Ditore(

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa, has requested from the Assembly to vote the draft-law on extension of EULEX's mandate, being that this would help on strengthening the justice in Kosovo.

During the plenary session which is going on right now, Mustafa expressed the position of the government and of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), on extension of the EULEX’s mandate in Kosovo. According to Mustafa, this would strengthen the rule of law and the war against corruption, while the people would feel safer.

Agani expects justice to confirm his innocence (Koha)

Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Ferid Agani, indicted by the prosecution of Kosovo for abuse of position, responded to allegations against him by claiming he is innocent. “The only statements on this issue until it comes to an end will be provided by the justice authorities. The issue is being dealt with by the judiciary now, it is known what I stand accused of and the only thing I care right now is a swift verdict confirming my complete innocence”, said Agani.


Kosovo reports to Brussels: No Association without implementation of prior agreements (Koha)

The Office of Kosovo Prime Minister announced it has submitted to European Union the regular report on the dialogue with Serbia. In it, the government of Kosovo says that the dialogue contributes to peace and stability in the region, good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation, as well as to the advancement Euro-Atlantic integration of Kosovo. With regards to implementation of Brussels agreements, the government of Kosovo claims the reporting period has not marked any substantial progress.

Mustafa confirms agreement for extension of EULEX mandate (Koha)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said in the meeting of the government that agreement with EULEX on extending the mission’s mandate has been reached. “We expect today confirmation from Brussels, namely the letter exchange. Once we receive it, we will hold a meeting in the afternoon to approve the law through regular procedure and submit it to the Assembly tomorrow”, Mustafa said.

Thaçi: Brussels dialogue helped in consolidating state sovereignty in the north (Koha)

Kosovo’s President, Hashim Thaçi, said in a meeting with Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, the EU-facilitated dialogue in Brussels for normalization of relations with Serbia has contributed to advancing Kosovo’s European integration as well as to consolidating Kosovo’s sovereignty in the north.