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Pilot-project measuring rule of law in municipalities presented in Pristina (Koha)

A pilot-project measuring the rule of law in public administration in Kosovo municipalities, sponsored by the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme in Kosovo (UNDP) in cooperation with the OSCE Mission in Kosovo and NGO FOL, was presented on Tuesday in Pristina.

Kosovo legislators pass draft law against funding of terrorism (Koha)

Kosovo Assembly members approved today, for the second time, the draft law against money laundering and funding of terrorism. The law was passed with 58 votes in favour, none against and seven abstentions. Chairman of the Kosovo Assembly's budget and finances commission, Naser Osmani, said that the draft law needs to be supplemented again following concerns by the EU and EULEX that it is not in full accordance to the EU directives. Osmani said the government and EU experts should work together and propose necessary amendments by October.



Two Serbs accused for Rrezalla massacre of 1999 (Koha)

The families of the victims of the Rrezalla massacre submitted to the Special Prosecution in Pristina an indictment against two former members of the Serb forces – Ljubisa Diković, former commander of the 37th motorized brigade of the Yugoslav Army, and Dejan Ranđelović, commander of the 2nd battalion of the 37th motorized brigade of the Yugoslav Army, for the killing of 41 Albanian civilians on 2 April 1999. Arianit Koci, legal representative for the families, said it is final time to act and try the people responsible for this crime.

Kosovo Serbs protest against Serb candidate for RTK2 director (Koha)

Several Kosovo Serbs protested today in front of the Radio Kosova against the selection of the director for RTK2.  Darko Dimitrijević, one of the candidates for director of RTK2 said the selection of the candidate was done in an unprofessional manner. According to him, the whole process was not transparent since the list of all the candidates competing for this post was not made public. With banners "RTK 2 belongs to citizens, not the board" and "Respect the law," the protesters said they will not allow such violations to go forward.

Mustafa: Government will never stop efforts to shed light on the fate of missing persons (Koha)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, met on Friday with representatives of the families of missing persons. During the meeting, Mustafa expressed the full commitment of the government to shed light on the fate of missing persons and support for families. Mustafa spoke about the efforts of the government and talks with international representatives at all levels, to put pressure on Serbia to resolve the fate of missing persons during the 1999 conflict in Kosovo.

UNFPA and Ministry of Health discuss human rights in the field of reproductive health (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister of Health, Imet Rrahmani, met today with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) officials in Kosovo, and Ombudsman, Hilmi Jashari. During the meeting it was discussed about the cooperation and coordination between the Ministry of Health and Human Rights organizations, in particular about the human rights in the field of reproductive health. The institution of the Ombudsman, supported by  the UNFPA and the Ministry of Health, is expected to conduct a research about the level of observation of these rights in Kosovo.

Bosnia to introduce relaxed visa rules for Kosovo (Koha)

Bosnia and Herzegovina's Foreign Minister, Igor Crnadak, said that his country, which has not recognised the independence of Kosovo, cannot at present discuss on lifting the visa regime for the people of Kosovo but is planning to introduce relaxation of the visa rules. “We have demonstrated the readiness to talk about applying some relaxation to the issuing of visas”, said Crnadak, adding that it will be up to experts to determine what procedural changes will be made to the visa regime.

Veseli: Verdict on Klecka case proved our fight was clean (Koha)

Kosovo's Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, welcomed the verdict of the Court of Appeals in the Klecka case, saying that it is the best evidence of the righteous and clean fight of the former Kosovo Liberation Army. The Court of Appeals recently acquitted Fatmir Limaj, leader of the Initiative for Kosovo, and his fellow combatants, who were accused of war crimes. Veseli wrote in a Facebook post: “I welcome the final verdict of the Court of Appeals in the so-called Klecka case. This verdict proves once again that our fight was righteous and clean.

Mustafa meets EU delegation (Koha Ditore)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, hosted today a meeting with the European Parliament delegation, which will participate at the meeting of the EU-Kosovo Parliamentary Commission for the Stabilization Association Agreement (SAA). A press release issued by the Office of the Prime Minister informs that the EU delegation lead by Tonino Picula, is comprised of Ulrike Lunacek, Dubravka Suica, Tanja Fajon, Jozo Rados, Georgios Kyrtsos and Julie Ward.

Kosovo's Government approves Open Data Charter (Koha)

Kosovo’s European Integration Minister, Bekim Collaku, announced that the government today adopted the proposal for Open Data Charter that will enable the individuals, media, civil society, and businesses access to government records. Collaku said Kosovo is catching up with recent European and global trends in this aspect.